Saturday, July 12, 2014

Pulang ke Malaysia

InsyaAllah akan berangkat pulang hari ini, ke Malaysia.
Wahhh, tak percaya rasanya..
I'll be home very soon.

Bakal menghabiskan baki separuh Ramadhan di Malaysia.
Semoga dapat memanfaatkan waktu Ramadhan yang tersisa
serta dipertemukan dengan Lailatul Qadar


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Final Exam Tahun 3 Berakhir !

Alhamdulillah syukur pada Illahi.
tamat sudah peperiksaan akhir tahun 3 med school.

Kurang seminggu I'll be home.

Yellow. Coldplay.
When I listened to this song, I have specific memory bout it. A special moment I must say.

It reminds me of home.
I remember there's one time I'm home with my friends for special assignment during weekends. 
We ate dinner and this song played in the background.

and I think this is a meaningful song to me.
It has an ability to rekindle that feeling of 'walking down the memory lane' again.

Tonight we, the girls are going to ifthor together at Al-Imam.
Last meal together before each of us waiting for the day to fly home.
Another year may has end, but I hope I learnt something from these past years.
I hope to improve myself and reflect more on my acts and attitude.
Listen more to the things that surrounds me.

Yes, we might have not become the best, but it's crucial to become better.
Better than yesterday and become better than today in the future. Biizndnillah.

Fi hifzillah my friends. 
Selamat bermusafir. 
Minta doa banyak-banyak agar sama-sama dikurniakan kejayaan yang cemerlang dunia&akhirat insyaAllah.

mar d
I miss home