Showing posts with label tentang hati. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tentang hati. Show all posts

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Shirt

Hello world!

Peace be upon you! Yes, you. The one who are reading this right now. 
Hello there.

Life is running faster than I think. It runs at the pace that I don't think I can catch up. Not until I reach some point of endurance.

Yesterday, the owner of the house (we refer him as Baba) came to see the light bulbs in my room which has been burnt off since last 2 weeks (can't recall the last time I read my textbook under enough light). While he was talking with the electrician as he fix the lamps, I was there and listening to everything (trying hard to translate everything in my mind though)
As far as I understand, they was talking about the daughter of the electrician whom seems to be in trouble marriage and struggling with life problems. Baba asked him how many daughters left with him (if I'm not mistaken) and he said 2 more. They expressed their worries through du'a phrase (Rabbuna khallikoo). I bet that every dad could relate. Even any parents are more than could.

Suddenly, I miss my dad. Thus, the orange shirt for today. (wear 'em to class this morning)

My dad have words on the clothes we're buying. (of course since he'll be the one who paid for it) However, since I'm getting my shopping done by myself these days, he rarely got to do that for me anymore.

This orange shirt got her own story. My dad bought me the shirt during his trip to Melaka 2 yrs ago. My kakak was asking him to buy one specific shirt at Uniqlo (since there's no Unilqo in Trg) but he returned home with one extra shirt although mine was not from the same store. 

I first thought that the colour was too vibrant, and the lacey was sweet but just too fancy for my age. However, I still bring it with me here, cos deep down in my heart I know that the shirt somehow make me feel the warmness of a father love.

I guess we will never understand our parents worries and concerns. Not until we become one.
Till then, lets be kind to our parents and always be the best daughter/son to them.

O Allah, grant our parents your Jannah. Amin.

During last winter trip, in our hostel room in Prague.

mar d
suluhan lampu studi
JCA violin minus one

be strong..

Friday, February 20, 2015

on JPCK '14

Pilihan raya PERUBATAN bakal melabuhkan tirainya.
Lega, bersyukur, sebak huhuhu

I have a lot on my plate right now. (and I guess it will always be liddat)

"Kewajipan kita adalah lebih banyak daripada waktu yang kita ada, oleh itu bantulah saudaramu tentang cara-cara bagaimana hendak menggunakan masa dengan berfaedah dan jika saudara mempunyai tugas sendiri, maka ringkaskanlah pelaksanaannya," 
Wasiat Hasan al-Banna.

Yeap. Kewajipan kita lebih banyak daripada waktu yang ada. Kerana itu janganlah sia-siakan waktu yang ada.

Tahun 4 ni takkan berulang lagi. Hari ini jam ini saat ini. Semuanya akan berlalu pergi.
Sedarlah wahai diri.

so apepun yang penting sentiasa ikhlaskan niat buat sesuatu tu kerana Allah. Agar semua amal kita menjadi pemberat mizan di akhirat kelak.

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Been busy for a while now.. Haha, I guess this blog has turned into a big spider web that entraps dust..Wuwuuu

Yeay Alhamdulillah one round has end, leaving me with 3 remaining rounds.
Commed comes next with urmm lots of factful texts and almost half day lectures non stop, but guess what ? Who cares. (I guess) This round only comes once in my lifetime. Making a wise choice ( to keep calm and study hard of course, and not to forget to enjoy the whole 2 months course ) is crucial before you ruined everything with that laziness and negative attitudes. Syiuh syiuh *keep those evil away*

Come on Mar d, cheer up! Just so you know He was there all along watching you from afar.
If the going get tough than just pray to him and ask for His guidance and to give you the strength to move on. He is The One who owns everything in this world. Allah shall know the best for you.
Have you ever notice that ? 

p/s : I just know that you can gain some sort of strength that you never thought you have inside you once you really need it. Just so I know, it was a gift from Allah.

mar d
I keep running and sometime fall from my tracks but sokay  I'll stand up and I'm in once again...everytime ..

Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Wish .. for you

for the people from my
past. present. future
my beloved parents, my family, relatives, friends, -mates, acquaintances

may Allah bless and protect you guys 
with His love and mercy

* * *

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Berseorangan tidak mengapa kerana Allah itu sentiasa ada bersama.
Memanjatkan doa didalam hati utk yang jauh di mata.

*kembali ke Mesir, banyak perkara berlaku dan berlalu.

mar d

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Room Cleaning and Ramadhan Resolutions

Assalamu'alaikum wbt ^^

I cleaned my fan blade .. and casings too. 
Now it feels like the beach breeze is blowing in my room.

I am about to clean my mess in the room. 

Gotta bring out my big blue luggage.
Do the laundry and everything.

I believe that the exam will still take place on Tuesday. So I shall continue my reading and keep updated with the latest notice.

Ramadhan will be here soon. 
Absorbing the spirit of Ramadhan. 
List a few things that I wanna achieve during Ramadhan.

It is a great month of blessing and opportunity to make changes of yourself. 

Do not let this opportunity slips away. 

Do you know why Ramadhan can be the best time to make changes in you? This is how it works. As all the pahala that you get when performing amal soleh during Ramadhan is double fold, so does the effects.

(quoted from Ust Azam from his talk on Azam Ramadhan last night ^^)

Awesome right ?

and for the girls, surely we will have the time when we can't fast, but do not worry, we also get the same amount of pahala with other people who fast for the whole month. 
This is because we obey Allah's order for not to fast during the menstruation.

We perform the obligation for the sake of Allah. That is the most important thing.

Even if you can't fast, read the Quran or perform your solah,
don't be sad, there are other ways to gain pahala and benefits of Ramadhan
you can cook and prepare food for the fasting people,
zikr and bersedekah :)

So here's to me myself and I :)
Lets have a productive Ramadhan.

You can do this ! May Allah bless :)

mar d 
temukan kami dengan Ramadhan. ameen.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Menuju Allah.

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

Aku selalu terfikir akan persoalan ini, tetapi tidak pernah menemui jawapan yang jelas.

Ini dipetik dari kalam Syeikh Habib. Beliau datang ke Kaherah dan mengadakan pengajian di masjid Azhar untuk beberapa hari. 

Malam tadi kelasnya yang terakhir, dan aku hanya berkesempatan mengikutinya sekali cuma.

Ingin menatap muka keturunan Rasulullah. Kalau mahu tunggu peluang ke Yaman, entah bila lagi. Peluang sudah terhidang di depan mata. Masjid Azhar pun cuma 10 genih away dr Sayeda Zainab. Huhu.

Alhamdulillah sampai juga. Sangat ramai hadirin yang hadir. Lebih ramai berbanding kelas-kelas yang pernah ku ikuti sebelum ini. 

Pelbagai bangsa dan pelbagai lapisan umur.
Kalau Makcik-makcik Arab tu siap bawak anak-anak lagi.

Ada beberapa muka junior sekolah tapi tak sempat tegur sebab takut terpisah dengan ahli beit. Susah pulak nanti. Nak rebut tempat lagi. Huhu.

"Penghalang untuk sampai kepada Allah adalah tidak berakhlak mulia
dan penghalang untuk kita berperibadi mulia adalah tiada keinginan berbuat baik, 
dan penghalang untuk berkeinginan baik adalah kelemahan iman
dan punca lemahnya iman adalah ketiadaan bimbingan dan pengingat serta penasihat yang mengingatkan akan kehinaan dunia dan keagungan akhirat dan kekekalannya."

Sangat menikam jiwa.

Kalam Syeikh ini diterjemahkan oleh ustaz (tak igt nama) dan disebarkan di FB.
Al maklum je lah, masa pergi tu pun aku tak faham sangat syarahannnya.

Last2 tu pulak dah mula mengantuk. Huuu memanglaah.

Ni poin-poin lain yang turut diambil dari syarahan beliau di bawah tajuk Syarat dan Tahap Al Murid Menuju Allah:

>> 4 Hijab yang menghalang antara dirinya dengan Allah adalah:

1] Harta
2] Kedudukan, pangkat dan kemasyhuran
3] Taqlid buta dan fanatik
4] Maksiat

>>Kita perlu bersungguh-sungguh dalam bertaubat dan menjauhi dosa, barangsiapa yang tidak memperbaiki taubatnya dan bersungguh-sungguh, lalu ingin meneroka rahsia-rahsia agama Allah, umpama orang yang ingin mengetahui rahsia dan hikmah Al-Quran tanpa mengetahui bahasa arab.
Maka perlu untuk kita utamakan bahasa, baru meningkat kepada rahsia makna-makna, begitu juga dalam tazkiyah, kita perlu untuk perbaiki ilmu dan amalan syari'at, baru meningkat kepada rahsia-rahsia dan hikmahnya..

>>Setelah berjaya menebas 4 hijab tersebut, ia menjadi seperti seorang yang telah berwudhu' dan bersedia untuk solat, maka ia perlukan seseorang menjadi imamnya untuk diikuti, dialah guru pembimbing.

>>Sesiapa yang tiada guru yang membimbingnya maka syaitan akan membawanya ke jalan-jalannya yang keji..

>>Setelah mendapatkan syeikh, guru murobbi yang membimbingnya, ia perlu menguatkan perisai dirinya dengan melatih diri dengan 4 rukun riadhah(sukan/latihan) rohani:

1] Lapar(Kurangkan makan/makan sekadar keperluan)
2] Berjaga malam(kurangkan tidur, banyakkan ibadah)
3] Banyak berdiam diri(kurangkan perkara tiada faedah)
4] Al-Khalwah(Bersendiri dengan Allah/kurangkan berinteraksi dengan orang ramai)
*Begitu juga di alam maya FB dan Twitter kurangkanlah online dengan makhluk, screen, komputer, handphone dll, dan perbanyakkan 'online' dengan Allah.

-Kita biasakan diri dengan 4 perkara ini dan mengawalnya sekadar keperluan.

>>Setelah latihan tersebut, ia perlu mula bersuluk dengan menjaga akhlaknya serta menjauhi dan mengelakkan diri dari rintangan hawa nafsu dan kekejian hati.

>>Kemudian guru pembimbingnya akan menjadikannya melazimi zikrullah di dalam hati serta konsisten dengannya hingga walau lidahnya tidak bergerak, hatinya sentiasa berzikir sehingga zikir-zikir itu benar-benar teguh di dalam hatinya dan menguasai jiwa. Lalu jiwanya sentiasa bersama Allah.

Sepanjang ceramah beliau, kerapkali beliau menadah tangan berdoa, dan kami beramai-ramai turut mengaminkannya bersama.
Tidak jauh dihadapan ku berdiri seorang perempuan Arab muda sedang menyeka airmatanya. Tersentuh barangkali.

" Beruntungnya makcik ni. Mesti dia paham apa yang Syeikh doakan. Apalagi kata-kata beliau ", getus hati kecilku.

Sahabatku berkata, " Memangla hari-hari kita berdoa, tapi mesti beza kan darjat doa tu dengan doa para ulama' ".
Ku iyakan saja. Muhasabah diri sebentar.

Perjalanan pulang, teksi melintas dihadapan Bukit Mukhattam dan Qal'ah Salehuddin Al-Ayubi.
Laluan ini kurang sibuknya berbanding laluan pulang ke Sayeda Zainab melalui Babul Khalq.

Angin malam Kaherah menyapa pipi. 

Dingin, walaupun soifi sudah menghampiri.
Suasana dalam teksi senyap sepanjang perjalanan pulang ke Sayeda Zainab.
Semua membisu melayan perasaan.

Aku lemparkan pandangan ke luar tingkap.
Merenung langit dan bintang.

Maha Suci Allah.

*Sudah lama tidak menghapdet blog
banyak yg nak ditulis tapi ... Exam Physiology written menjelang Sabtu ini. Doakan agar dapat jawab dengan baik !

mar d

menbilang hari 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Kembali Bercahaya - Booster

Assalamualaikum :)

setelah berlalu drama sebabak dua sejurus selepas result mid year diumumkan
here I come
teringat satu kata-kata yg tertempek kat bilik Tia masa form 5.
lebih kurang camni bunyinye
the lower u fall, the higher you will bounce....
asalkan makna sampai ;)

sangat bersyukur adanya midyear sebagai indikator
at least u get the picture
adakah method study tak betul
tahap kefahaman belum sampai tahap gaban
tak cukup latihan
etc etc etc

walaupun result tak gempak,
tapi saya melihat ini sebagai ruang untuk penambahbaikan

on top of that
saya dapat input-input sempurna (baca;perfect) lagi berguna from prog Booster tadi ;

-kita mesti belajar mencintai apa yang kita dapat, dan bukan hanya ingin mendapatkan apa yang kita cintai

-kata kerja untuk pelajar ialah BELAJAR ! (jangan malas noh)

-tak semua orang mampu untuk mumtaz, tapi semua orang mampu jadi rajin, 
 dan rajin itu sifat orang berjaya

-jangan pernah putus asa, teruskan usaha sebab usaha itu wasilah untuk kita capai ghayah (tujuan).

-tuntutlah ilmu agar penuh di dada, kerana ilmu itu fii sudur wa laa fi kutub.

-jangan pernah ada rasa inferior, sebab inferior itu boleh jadi ego.

-mesti stimulate semua orang untuk study

-jangan  terlalu bersifat bersaing sampai competitiveness kita tu memakan diri 

-banyakkan buat perkara amal taat, supaya hidayah sampai ....the cycle keep going sampai hati kita sentiasa
 dalam keadaan bersih.... so mudah ilmu nak masuk

-kurangkan perkara lagha

-selalu termotivasi dengan alam sekeliling, cth; masyarakat yg hidup miskin dan susah, serta tak dapat belajar
 tinggi-tinggi, kurang peluang pendidikan

-bersyukur dengan apa yang Allah kurniakan

-niat ibadah, menuntut ilmu kerana Allah

-think positive 

-bersangka baik dengan Allah

-fokus dalam kelas, insyaAllah ada keberkatan

-komunikasi, sharing, interact dengan rakan-rakan

-banyakkan berdoa dan amalkan selawat (the ultimate support system, mintalah pada Allah)

-biarlah kita menjadi orang yang dekat dengan Allah yg mana tinggi darjatnya ke langit, 
kerna dengan itu kita akan melihat dunia itu kecil dan remeh dan akhirat itu besar
jangan jadi orang yang jauh dari Allah,melihat dunia ini hal utama, dan akhirat itu remeh. 
Na'udzubillahi min zalik.

my check list
1-to do and don't 
2-study plan
3-exercise plan
4-strategy X

mar d
penuntut sekolah kehidupan

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Raa Rae

you will be fine
you just lose your way of doing things
you just need to gain consciousness
one more try
and you will be back
on that right path

you inspired me too
remind me about that situation that I used to be in
acting all fun and joy
chin up
and stand a little taller

you just mapped your own path
and walk thru
past matures you
future excites you
you know what you really want to
achieve or do
doesn't matter how to

you will find your way


standing here
looking forward

get that feeling
to take further steps

ahh, I now see
grab my backpack filled with strength
new spirit cap on top of my head

breath in
breath out

its new term, lets kick it !

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Seminar #PWtC '13

apa pun yang kita lakukan niatkan utk mencari redha Allah
hanya dengan redha Allah kita akan memperoleh syurga Nya..

jadi cik kak,  'tinggalkanlah sesuatu kerana Allah, dan lakukanlah sesuatu kerana Allah '
(I done this today, so I can do it in the future too ! )

pasti ada hikmah yang Allah letakkan di situ untukmu :)

semoga dapat terus mengislah diri yang hina dina ini..
to become a better muslimah insya Allah..
even small steps can make a difference ..

*Alhamdulillah selesai sudah seminar PERUBATAN the fifth entitled 5 stars Muslim Professionals.
Bersyukur kerana terpilih mengikutinya utk tahun ini.. Sehingga bertemu di tahun hadapan..
Semoga ilmu yang dikutip dr para penyampai khas PAPISMA tersemat dan terlaksana oleh diri ini.

Open yourself to challenges-be positive-trust yourself-

opportunities are everywhere-look at the bright side-blue ocean strategy-

be different-the ocean is vast, open up to the new dimension-

take note
#ambil tahu sebnyak yg mungkin ttg apa yang bakal dilalui mulai sekarang supaya, you know what will you face thru, it is an advantage.
Berjalan dalam gelap tanpa cahaya tak membantu ,okey !
do read about healthcare policies, birocracy, salary levels, masters program, hospital systems, housemanship process, non clinical unexplored sectors, etc

#do what a med student do best, Read a lot !

do the best out of everything :)

mar  d
aim high fly high

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The 101st. Already ?

this is my 101st post.

yesterday I published my 100th post.
not sure y I didn't realize it 

maybe because Thyroid stole all my focus.

101st already 
long journey,huh ?

. . .

Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.

The first quote is really good yet the one below is my favourite :)

A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.

mar d
one step at a time

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tempat jauh lagi dikenang, ini pula tempat bermain :")

Tempat jauh lagi dikenang, ini pula tempat bermain.

*Purun dalam kenangan :")

semalam bermimpi aku pulang ke Purun setelah sekian lama.
(walaupun peliknya, kerana aku menaiki tren, sedangkan satu-satunya pggkutn awam yg tersedia ialah bas). 

Dalam mimpi tu aku, menangis tak henti-henti setelah tibanya di Purun. 

macam real. siap bertemu mata dengan teman-teman lama bekas classmates dolu-dolu.
walaupun diorg semua dah agak adult face, tapi wajah-wajah itu still familiar. (wbgmnpun, aku tak dapat igt pun nama-nama diorg)

Sedih tu macam berbekas dalam hati. still boleh feel wpun bila dah sedar dr lena.

seseorang juga muncul dalam mimpi itu. berada dalam gerabak yang sama, cuma seperti biasa tak mempedulikan antara satu sama lain.

kenapa dia?

jangan tanya aku. 
sepanjang hari macam mood swing.
terbayang-bayang mimpi semalam.
sakit kepala + jiwa kacau :(
Syaitan  punya hasutan. Istighfar banyak-banyak.

*gerabak keretapi buat aku teringat kisah Nuha dan Alang Rebus Tak Empuk dalam "Surat Ungu untk Nuha".
Tulah addicted sgt pada buku surat ungu utk nuha, smpai termimipi-mimpi.
pastu dok teringat-ingat kat Eyrah.. tu yang smpai Purun terbang. Huuuuuu.

I love Purun. 

*Nak melawat Purun tapi tak tahu nak jumpa sape. Diorg igt lg tak pd mard. 

Semoga dikurniakan peluang jumpa kawan2 & cikgu2. (ustzh amizah lebih-lebih lg)

mar d
kental lah kebal lah wahai jiwa ..

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Suddenly I See .. (It is just the matter of time)

May peace be upon you :)

Today is an epic day.

I got a phone call.

Someone came to my house with surprisingly awesome yet unexpected wish.

someone try to ring the bell.
hit the red button.
kick start the cycle.
whatever you called it

This is one serious business I thought.
Then, it hit me.
If this is going to happen. Soon.
I should be prepared. Me, myself.
As in taking responsibilities.
Well, I'm taking responsibilities, but not in total.
As a middle child you live the life with less things to be worried about.
Because you have the elder siblings that will handle the situation and save the day.

This is fast.
I really don't ever expect something like this will come up in this time being.
I mean, there are no hints dropped.
I guess life is nothing but surprise.

Okay, lets move on to the next phase.
The accept-this-as-reality phase is done.

The next phase.
Think about what will I be in the future.
Changes. Can I handle this?

Will it be sooner or later?
How am I going to react?

In conclusion,
I know that
I'm willing to help, with everything I can.
Advice or solutions.
I will suggest the best that I can came up with.

I will support the decision made.
Although, I will be sad to stay apart.
Somehow that is life.
We are all sisters and we are always be there for each other.

Even if there is probability that it will not going to be so soon, I'm still thinking that the best thing to do right now is to be totally prepared. 

Plus, I must be there, I want to get involved. 
This is GREAT ! B)
I'm truly excited.

‎"..... boleh jadi kamu benci tentang sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, 
dan boleh jadi kamu suka sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagi kamu 
dan (ingatlah) , Allah jualah yang mengetahui (semuanya itu) , 
sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya "

( Al-Baqarah : 216 )

mar d
counting days

7th of July

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Happy Ending Buat Hati-hati Yang Sakit

Membelek JOM edisi 2,
terjumpa artikel Happy Ending buat Hati-hati yang Sakit -

Masuklah ke dalam Islam secara menyeluruh atau biarkan diri diperintah hawa nafsu&jahiliah.

#Tiada Islam separuh-separuh. Tiada Islam pilih-pilih. Tiada jalan tengah antara keduanya.

Setelah mengamalkan Islam secara kaafah, pasti bertemu happy ending, pengakhiran yang baik, Sebuah Husnul Khatimah :)

mar d

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Affection

"I have this affection deep inside me
too deep that I'm sinking into myself
just to have the feel of it"

May Peace be upon You !

Sekarang tgh gap untuk paper Physio.
Subjek major, 200++ markah
Belajar best, nak exam pening nak revise.
Sangat banyak mechanism.
Macam A cakap, subj Physio macam study Bio time sekolah dolu-dolu
Sangat banyak facts. Plus, sangat banyak numeral facts.

Aku terfikir, kenapa aku pilih utk amik ni sebenarnya.
and I found the answer.

Fondness. Passion.

I do have affection towards Science.
Logic. Explanation. Reasons.
Something that I always adore.
The secret of nature.
Learn about the creation of Allah to know more about Him.

What I need right now,
to work harder and fight this feeling of hesitation that sometime knocked me down.
to study Lillahita3ala :)

I wanna run on this positive side. Everyday.
Allahu Allah.

# I hope I can score this subject. I really hope so. InsyaAllah.
# Today is the Father's Day. Happy Father's Day to Ayah :) May Allah bless ayah always. Stay healthy, I love u.
# btw, this is the 50th post by me :)) 5o posts in a few month. Addicted. Ahahaha.

mar d
physiology is cool ;)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Listen ...

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

heeeeeeeeeeee *senyum lebar-lebar*
well, I'm in a very goood moood at this time. (2.14 am in the morning ??)
rasa macam nak update blog ;)

lately, many things happen
I realized that over this while
I talked tooo much
that I think
I forgot to stop, be silent for a moment
and listen
listen to others, environment
listen to myself

The truth is
people do not realize that when they are talking
in the same time,
they couldn't listen.

That is why a very good communication is when you are listening to each other words,
and not just by yelling out your opinions (and emotions! ahaks)

I feel like I can capture every moment, every sound, details when I really put my ears & heart on and just listen.

Now, its time to listen to myself,
to put the clear goals in front of me
keep looking forward to kick a penalty right through.

Listen to what are the best for me.
Decide the path that I would choose.

What I choose to feel?
What I choose to be?
What kind of spirit I wish to show?
What are the things I will fight for?

I choose my emotions and no one can change it if I have decided to feel so.
I choose my emotions so no one should I blame for the consequences.

Gather the strength.
You are yourself.
You are what you think, what you read, what you see and what you feel.

You make a difference to the world by making yourself different first !!

In my life I should not run from the fight,
because people who run from they fight never get what they really want & need,
and never ever will be happy.

Usaha, Doa ,Tawakkal.
Manisnya kalau usaha itu berserta dengan tawakkal kepada Allah :)
Kerana kita jelas dengan apa yang kita lakukan.

Menjadi seorang yang jelas matlamat, hala tuju & tindakannya.
Sesuatu yang telah hilang tanpa disedari
Hanya yang berusaha pasti akan mendapatkan kembali.

mar d
semua pun pasti ada Hikmahnya :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

true colours

You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
Its hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small

i see your true colours shining through
i see your true colours and thats why i love you
so dont be afraid
to let them show
your true colours
true colours
beautiful like a rainbow

Show me a smile then,
Don't be unhappy, can't remember
When I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there

lyrics from the song true colours#

dedicated to everyone dress in purple

dedicated to everyone who have been there for me :)
I love you more and more and more
thanks for the little hearts, smiles and the most important .. honesty.

may Allah grant you with Jannah.
where people never fight and feel sad.
where the happy days are everything you get.

may peace be upon you :)

mar d

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Make me think of you

nice songs by Jazon Mraz (latest album: love is a four letter word)

I always like his lyrics
random and beautiful words
simple yet stunning

today's theme

I won't give up, even if I've gone too far I'll definitely come back home :P 

Miss somebody badly :')

specially dedicated to everyone I love so much in this world
family & friends :)
in Malaysia, Irbid Jordan ;), Egypt and Ausie .
all the best in everything you do
bittaufiq wannajah for finals
stay strong stay positive

I'll be looking forward to see you soon InsyaAllah :)
*impatient huh ? *

May Peace be upon YOU !!

mar d
Uhibbukum Fillah :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

cik baju, I love you

May peace be upon you :D

aku paling nak percaya yang aku tak kisah sekeping pun pasal kau cik baju :(

tapi takpelah mcm mak aku ckp time skype-skype hrtu
ujian ni dtg sebab Allah nak menguji kita ...
menguji pergantungan kita, penerimaan kita ...

jadi janganlah kita nak merungut, sedih-sedih, meraung tak kena tempat

buang karan je
apa kata kalau kita bersabar
fikir alternatif lain untuk selesaikan masalah
pahala dapat, hati pun rasa tenang je

jangan cepat tergugat
jangan terlalu cintakan benda dunia, bukan kekal pun, pinjaman sahaja
harta, pangkat, 'cik baju lawaw' :(
semua tu dunia je tau

benda dah jadi redha lah :)

well, aku pun dah ada a few plan untuk kau 'cik baju'
salah satunya mungkin juga aku akan beli adik-beradik baru kau
a new dress will be the last option
lepas semuaaaaa option dah takleh pkai
okay, 'cik baju' ? 
jangan sedih
I love you at the first sight in that store
(antara hasil tangkapan paling bergaya :P )

I love you although I just wore you for a day :)
a very happy day :)
*tak amik pun gambar pakai'cik baju' 

but still I will wear you in the future, which is I'm not sure yet when.. Hehe
but but
you are still one of my fav :)

I love you and nothing can make me feel sad if I choose not to feel sad :)
I'm emotionally calm 
and thats y I write this

*penat men'vanish' kan 'cik baju' menci menci

mar d
I love problems because they make me think thousand of ways to solve 'em
sounds like an exercise to my mind  :P

Friday, May 18, 2012

the first Anniversary - Cemara 3/305, Meg-i , MEP11 Intec :')


May peace be upon you :)

kot.. ye kot rumah aku last time in intec was 3/305
I'm not hundred percent sure (my C3 phone that I used back then was stolen so I could not trace the records .. T.T )

and yesterday was 18th of May 2012. The first anniversary of registering as the student of Intec for 3 months prep. The day that I met you guys.
For three month, a lot of things that we've been thru together. Thousands of sweet memories and funny accidents. 

Going mad as being asked to move into another building one week before the prep ends. 

Craving for roti canai at night, lepak bistro, wandered along the aisles of Mydin and such.

Ran to McD to get a cup of sundae and end up frustrating because the machine was broken ( or was it being washed or something :P )

Went for raya shopping in PKNS, lepak pak mat, chilling in the house during weekend (depending on breads&tuna, nescafe 3 in one and maggie)

Sahur together. (cook poriddge/nasi for sahur and break-fasting)
Walked to masjid Hidayah wearing telekung 
( we are waiting near the gate on the first day of solat tarawikh feeling weird because no one was downstairs yet)

Took time to walk along pasar ramadhan and then having the hardest time to choose what to have for main course :)
Picking up laundries, cockroaches war and much more ..

I wanna write a long list of all the things we have done together, but it keeps me smiling nonstop and burst to laugh whenever I'm thinking about them, and I'm afraid that I will lose them all.
So I thought, its better to keep them in my hearts and mind forever, so that I'll cherish them throughout my life.
Cheeky, huh ? 
DUSH. T____T

Someone told me that if you are loving somebody, you should tell 'em.


To you !
The most AWESOME roomate, housemates and friends .
I love you.

I'm sory if there were any harsh in my words/acts that burn you to the third degree.
I'm sorry if I'm not so good to you.
I'm really sorry.

Thank you for making my life beautifully different.
May Allah bless you wherever you are :)

(banyak ke grammar mistakes ?. Argh, stress ! )

mar d
I miss you so :')