Monday, May 28, 2012

close enough

spirit within me 
support and guide my choice
like drinking sunshine

Yes, You can do this. You can !
you just need to keep focusing on the ultimate goal.

Focus ! Remember the light will come after the darkness.

You just need to hold on tight.
You are tougher than you thought.
You aim high, work more, and Allah will do the rest.

mar d
need a booster
staying up wanna call home

Thursday, May 24, 2012

demam peperiksaan


When u r carrying a monster load
u wonder how far u can go
and u try to go on but it seems so hard
just remember with every steps u take
Allah knows

"Allah knows"


Buat apa-apa yang anda patut buat,Allah Maha mengetahui!

Hasil itu ketentuan, usaha itu jalan

Pilih jalan yang betul,dapatkan ketentuan yang diidamkan!

Biro Akademik (B-ACD),

"Towards Our Priority Mumtaz Natijah (TOP MaN)"

Ya Allah beri kami kekuatan. Ameen

mar d
kamu boleh melakukannya , InsyaAllah !!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Make me think of you

nice songs by Jazon Mraz (latest album: love is a four letter word)

I always like his lyrics
random and beautiful words
simple yet stunning

today's theme

I won't give up, even if I've gone too far I'll definitely come back home :P 

Miss somebody badly :')

specially dedicated to everyone I love so much in this world
family & friends :)
in Malaysia, Irbid Jordan ;), Egypt and Ausie .
all the best in everything you do
bittaufiq wannajah for finals
stay strong stay positive

I'll be looking forward to see you soon InsyaAllah :)
*impatient huh ? *

May Peace be upon YOU !!

mar d
Uhibbukum Fillah :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Rooftop - sutoh

berdiri kat sutoh ambik angin pagi dengan Aalia :)

bagi markah kat sutuh jiran-jiran sekeliling rumah ",)

ada yang buat sutoh jadi ladang haiwan ternakan, 

kambing itik ayam berkawan baik 

ada yang buat sutoh jadi taman hijau, pokok-pokok bagai 

ada yang buat sutoh jadi tempat lepak-lepak,

bermozek, ada atap, kerusi meja siap


99 % buat sutoh jadi tempat lambakan sampah, sisa-sisa pembinaan serta 

perabot yang dah tak 

guna. (sutoh imarah kitorg pun)

sutoh cantik lah best, boleh jugak lepak-lepak time 

study week nihaa =.="


#salam 1 Rejab :D

mar d

the very first day standing on our rooftop

Sunday, May 20, 2012

menabung ^ ^ V


ye nak menabung, kenapa ?

ada banyak sebab
tapi satu-satu nya yang paling relevan untuk aku ketengahkan adalah :

'sediakan payung sebelum hujan '

itu sebab utama
sebab sampingan tak terkira

termasuk untuk capai beberapa 'goals' hehe
mengikut prioriti lah

macam-macam boleh jadi untuk lima sepuluh tahun akan datang
kalau kau fikir the worst yang boleh jadi
kau akan dapat point yang aku cuba nak cakap ni
kalau kau jenis yang dalam fairytale sentiasa
Lalala Land~
memang tak dapat la nak tolong 

*nak menabung gig pulak ni, kang tak pasal-pasal belum stgh bulan berlalu ,internet dah lembab, error in connection, tak dapek nak nengok ending cerita. Heeee*

mar d:
the wisest man is the one who invest for the life in the hereafter

cik baju, I love you

May peace be upon you :D

aku paling nak percaya yang aku tak kisah sekeping pun pasal kau cik baju :(

tapi takpelah mcm mak aku ckp time skype-skype hrtu
ujian ni dtg sebab Allah nak menguji kita ...
menguji pergantungan kita, penerimaan kita ...

jadi janganlah kita nak merungut, sedih-sedih, meraung tak kena tempat

buang karan je
apa kata kalau kita bersabar
fikir alternatif lain untuk selesaikan masalah
pahala dapat, hati pun rasa tenang je

jangan cepat tergugat
jangan terlalu cintakan benda dunia, bukan kekal pun, pinjaman sahaja
harta, pangkat, 'cik baju lawaw' :(
semua tu dunia je tau

benda dah jadi redha lah :)

well, aku pun dah ada a few plan untuk kau 'cik baju'
salah satunya mungkin juga aku akan beli adik-beradik baru kau
a new dress will be the last option
lepas semuaaaaa option dah takleh pkai
okay, 'cik baju' ? 
jangan sedih
I love you at the first sight in that store
(antara hasil tangkapan paling bergaya :P )

I love you although I just wore you for a day :)
a very happy day :)
*tak amik pun gambar pakai'cik baju' 

but still I will wear you in the future, which is I'm not sure yet when.. Hehe
but but
you are still one of my fav :)

I love you and nothing can make me feel sad if I choose not to feel sad :)
I'm emotionally calm 
and thats y I write this

*penat men'vanish' kan 'cik baju' menci menci

mar d
I love problems because they make me think thousand of ways to solve 'em
sounds like an exercise to my mind  :P

Friday, May 18, 2012

the first Anniversary - Cemara 3/305, Meg-i , MEP11 Intec :')


May peace be upon you :)

kot.. ye kot rumah aku last time in intec was 3/305
I'm not hundred percent sure (my C3 phone that I used back then was stolen so I could not trace the records .. T.T )

and yesterday was 18th of May 2012. The first anniversary of registering as the student of Intec for 3 months prep. The day that I met you guys.
For three month, a lot of things that we've been thru together. Thousands of sweet memories and funny accidents. 

Going mad as being asked to move into another building one week before the prep ends. 

Craving for roti canai at night, lepak bistro, wandered along the aisles of Mydin and such.

Ran to McD to get a cup of sundae and end up frustrating because the machine was broken ( or was it being washed or something :P )

Went for raya shopping in PKNS, lepak pak mat, chilling in the house during weekend (depending on breads&tuna, nescafe 3 in one and maggie)

Sahur together. (cook poriddge/nasi for sahur and break-fasting)
Walked to masjid Hidayah wearing telekung 
( we are waiting near the gate on the first day of solat tarawikh feeling weird because no one was downstairs yet)

Took time to walk along pasar ramadhan and then having the hardest time to choose what to have for main course :)
Picking up laundries, cockroaches war and much more ..

I wanna write a long list of all the things we have done together, but it keeps me smiling nonstop and burst to laugh whenever I'm thinking about them, and I'm afraid that I will lose them all.
So I thought, its better to keep them in my hearts and mind forever, so that I'll cherish them throughout my life.
Cheeky, huh ? 
DUSH. T____T

Someone told me that if you are loving somebody, you should tell 'em.


To you !
The most AWESOME roomate, housemates and friends .
I love you.

I'm sory if there were any harsh in my words/acts that burn you to the third degree.
I'm sorry if I'm not so good to you.
I'm really sorry.

Thank you for making my life beautifully different.
May Allah bless you wherever you are :)

(banyak ke grammar mistakes ?. Argh, stress ! )

mar d
I miss you so :')

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What's so called study leave :P

May peace be upon you, 


What's so called study leave? Well, study leave means that you are left away to study ! No more lectures, labs or tutorial classes :P

Preparation period to face the coming exams.




My study leave is usually going to be the time to :
1- sleep. I mean a lot :p

2- eat. Check out new places @ Delivery 

3- cook. @ bake. time ni lah nak banana crumble lah, brownies lah apa lah. Haha

4- go online for thrice daily at least :) skype, fb. Muehehe

5- read friends' blog updates @ post new updates. Haha. Drpd takde apa-apa idea, tiba-tiba macam 
ada lak nak menconteng :3

tolong ye, jangan jadi pembuang masa bertauliah. peh

so kat sini nak kongsi tips-tips nak kekalkan momentum dan motivasi diri
ni pun ambil dari seorang kawan yang sangat lah osem :)

Tips-kekal-momentum-dikala-kala-exam :P

1- Jangan diturutkan rasa malas dan mengantuk. Aktifkan dirimu :)

2- Ingatlah bahawa kita ini harapan ummah dan agama. Kita pemuda-pemudi aset bernilai untuk Islam.

3- Banyakkan membaca Al-Quran dan maknanya. Baca surat cinta Allah, pasti bersemangat semula ^^

4- Banyakkan membaca ambil tauladan orang-orang berjaya (tak kisah lah tokoh ke, usahawan ke, profesor, ulamak.. pendek kata sesiapa je lah )
Nak cuba kuatkan kita punya semangat.

5-Banyakkan berdoa kepada Allah. Minta saja apa yang kamu mahu. Pray. Allah listen.

6- Banyakkan bergaul dengan orang yang rajin. Hehe. Kalau orang yang bawa virus rajin ni biasanya boleh terjangkit juga kat kita ^^. Pengaruh yang baik sangat penting. Rajin sebenarnya 'booster' utama kepada semua benda yang kita mahu mulakan :)

nak treat diri sendiri boleh, untuk naikkan semangat, tapi jangan sampai lebih-lebih
kalau lebih, lebih-lebihkanlah STUDY !!

mari sama-sama usaha untuk mumtaz
insyaAllah :)

mar d
time to face-the-real-books

Saturday, May 12, 2012

gembira untukmu

Ya Allah
I'm very happy to see u guys grow up very nice and become very useful people serving Allah and ummah :)

May I myself too be given the courage by Allah to be like you !
May I myself too become as strong as you. 

thank u Allah for making me

love you for the sake of Allah
May Allah keep you near to Him always

mar d
stay on track
keep praying, Allah listen

Ceritera Customer Service 2

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

heee, sekali lagi hari ni terpaksa call etisalat service centre.. bidzniLlah, lebih mudah daripada yg dulu.. 5 minutes then wallaaa ! I'm connected again to the internet :)

thank u Etisalat, let's hit the connect button and enjoy the surfing experience :)

mar d
study anat. study study study

Thursday, May 10, 2012

mahu jadi bermanfaat

kagum dengan mereka yang dapat hasilkan nukilan-nukilan penuh manfaat melalui blog msing-masing :)

kalau pun mungkin saya tak berbakat sebegitu, mencuba tiada salahnya 
betul tak?

teringat akan sesuatu.... moga Allah temukan kami dengan Ramadhan akan datang...

mar d 
harap dapat tersuluh terang
jalan untuk mara ke hadapan

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

apa kamu buat 24/7 ?

Assalamualaikum wbt.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ,

apa yang saya buat 24/7

cukup khusyuk kah solatnya?
cukupkah zikirnya?
basahkah hati mengingati mati?
masyi dah ke hafalannya?
terjaga dah ke hubungan sesama keluarga, ahli beit, sanak sedara, sesama manusia?
terjaga ke hubungan dengan Rabbi?

banyak sangat dah ke ilmunya?
cukup ke amalannya?
langsai dah ke semua hutangnya?
bersediakah ke nak kembali menghadap Allah kelak ?

terbalas dah ke jasa mak ayah?
terlepas dah ke tanggungjawab terhadap ummah?
banyak sangat dah ke sumbangan terhadap Islam?
terguna dah ke usia muda ke jalan Allah?
terpasak dah ke keperibadian syabab Islam?

tertunai dah ke haq-haq orang sekeliling?
dah lengkap ke semua tuntutan agama?
terabai ke jiran tetangga?

Sudah lengkap ke semua? 
Sudah cukup ke ilmu di dada? 
Sudah menjadi muslimah yang habis baik ke?

persoalan demi persoalan terlontar
ternyata perjuangan belum selesai 
perjalanan masih panjang
tabahkan hati cekalkan jiwa
la Tahzan
Allah bersama kami
tsabitkan kami di atas jalan-Mu, Ya Allah

mar d
jangan cepat alpa
dunialah tempat bercucuk tanam
mari tuai hasilnya di akhirat kelak :) InsyaAllah

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

after exam lunch outing

May peace be upon you :)

Sejurus selepas selesai exam pract final b/chem, aku buat keputusan ikut E and ahli beitnya pergi makan-makan kat luar. Saje nak treat diri sendiri. (sebenarnya follow SC syurrun, haha ) kitorang menyibuk je, tumpang sekaki :P


Pergi makan kat Maadi, di sebuah  restoran bernama Kiwi... Wahhh, tempatnya best gila. Makanan western dan super-sedap.

Alef Bookstore

Sebelah Kiwi ada satu bookstore nama Alef Bookstore. Kedainya kecil tapi dua tngkat. Interior-design dia sangat cantik dan unik. Plus, kat atas ada cafe kecil :)
Dengar cerita kat situlah tempat Raef yang penyanyi tu record video clip lagu  'Jumuah' :)
Banyak benda best dan unik yang aku jumpa, igt nak bagi kat someone as souvenier tapi tengok harga, perghh, mahal gila. Eksklusif kot tempat tu. Bawak pun tak sampai 100 LE, takut tak lepas bajet makan. Haha

lepas makan-makan, (well done steak mushroom-pasta-brownies-mash potatoes-fries)
of courselah share 4 orang. Hahaha.. Kenyang kot. Total cost for one person : 42 LE = RM 21 :PP

Takpelah.. diorang kata setahun sekali je makan mahal-mahal. (tapi aku rasa dah kali ke empat lima jugak.. haha)

Waiter Kiwi bg bookmarks, gift utk kitorg sorg satu. Comel.

lepas tu, kitorg keluar dulu kasi chance diorang buat sesi SC terakhir untuk tahun ni... sebelum tu sempat pulak Kiwi tu black-out. Kelakar gila time tuh, semua orang bukak torchlight phone. Then, waiters dtg bawak lilin.


E & I pergi beli buku. Aku ajak S masuk kedai cupcake sebelah Alef Bookstore. Nola rasanya nama dia.
Pergh, memang lawa lah kedai tu.... cupcakenya pun lawa-lawa :)

yang kecik 7 biji dekat 30 LE kot. Kalau yang besar sebiji 11 LE. Mahal, tapi lawa ...
Siap berbual-bual dengan yang jaga kedai tu.

Dia cakap Nola ni ada dua cwgn. Satu kat Zamalek, satu kat sini. Cawangan Maadi ni cawangan baru, baru sebulan buka.
Dia tanya ni first time ka kitorg datang Nola, kitorang iakan jela. Rupanya dia nak bagi gift, free satu cupcake kecik sorang satu. Aku pilih peanut butter chocholate, S pilih red velvet. Pergh, sedap gila :)

Dia introduce satu-satu perisa cupcake yang kecil tu, memang macam-macam ada.
Cupcake Nola memang cute-looking and very tasty :)

Aku & S cakaplah kat Malaysia ada jugak kedai macamni jual donut. Aku cakap yang donut-donut tu ada nama, citer pasal my all time favourite donut, Alien. Haha. Dia kata yang ni pun ada nama tapi belum psg label dia.. Haha. (aku rindu Epal Besar tiba-tiba T___T)

Then, E & I pun masuk Nola. E choose Oreo and I choose Vanilla. Dua-dua tu pun sedap, tapi nak beli memang taklah. Mahalll !!!

Sepetang keluar. Memang puas hati. Seronok gila. :)
Terima kasih Allah.
Semoga exam akan datang pun boleh kami jawab dengan baik, insyaAllah.

mar d

good friends, good food, good places
a very complete item of the day

Random # 3

tiba-tiba rasa macam nak panjat sinai tahun depan bilamana sebenarnya macam ada plan nak balik malaysia lepas midyear exam. 

*baiklah aku buat plan pergi jordan ke, pergi umrah ke, daripada balik malaysia 2 minggu . hahaha, xberbaloi :( 
kalau pergi OZ pun best gak :P

nak habiskan exam cepat2, nak balik malaysia !!! 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Culture Competence Workshop*


May peace be upon you :)

I attended the Culture Competence Workshop as the last group of First Year Malaysian Students in Medical Developement Center (MEDC) last weekend  :)
It was fun and make my mind wonders about bigger things other than final exam and the subjects discussed in lectures daily.

The trainer talk a little about the minority and majority group around the world during the workshop.

The aim of the Culture Competence Workshop is to bring the students to appreciate others culture, how they communicates and understand things by gaining the fact that people are different in all ways due to different factors such as experience, lifestyle, education, race and nationality.

This is a very important idea, a reality that every medical doctor-to-be must accept today because after graduation, he may one day serves the patients from international society.

I write this piece as my respond to the Culture Competence Workshop.

*Minority, Majority.. There are no such things today. *

first of all, let me get straight with you?

when you think about majority, the first thing you will think about is power, right?
This is because when you are the majority, you have the advantage of power to decide things.

and when you think about minority, they are powerless.
I mean lesser than the majority.

The trainer, Prof Salma mentioned that
Jewish is once a minority in USA. They have been discriminated once in many years ago. They wake up then and realized that only with money they can control people.

Nowadays, we can see that the huge money-makers are mostly Jewish. They make money and then buy the mainstream media. Why? Because they know that only with media they can change people ideas, change the way people think and then they can change what people think about them.
Play with human mind to control and make people to act like how they want.

The same goes with the African-Americans. They know that they are minority. If they do not find the strong place to hold on, something that can ensure their survival, they will continue to be pushed around.

Hence, today we can see the African-American conquered the sports arena in USA. Whenever you watch international games, the representatives of America are mostly them. They managed to come out and compete in the election and the first African-American president already have the stand.

If you look in the history, years ago.. the minority like Jewish is probihited to come into the restaurants in the cities, but today people minds and perception have changed. They accept each other much more than before but yeah some conflicts still occur.

If yesterday in history, the majority treats the minority with disgust and bad attitude, nowadays everything has change because the minority have come to make their voices heard. 

so why don't we look upon another type of minority.

the Muslims worldwide.
Our brothers, sisters, friends and families.
Not even forget to mention, ourselves !!

We are a majority in population but we are minority in power. Why?
well, there are thousand of answers, but the only exact reason is that we are far away astray from Islam. Our deen. Quran and Sunnah, the main education and guidance that Allah bless upon us.

Because Islam educates us in every aspect of life. Islam is not a religion. Islam is ad-DEEN. The way of life. 

If only we get back to our root, deepen our understanding on Islam.
Do what Allah ask us to do and leave His prohibitions.

All the problems we encountered among Muslims or even against the Islam enemies will come to the end. You will find the solution, If Allah will.

Just understand Islam and practice them by 100% in your life and not by choosing to practice what you like only.

#I think my English is very bad either in writing or speaking. Forgive me ! I know there are too many mistakes I've done in this humble piece. Feel free to correct me :)

# Tomorrow I have a practical exam, and now I'm currently updating my blog and editing delayed posts. HUHU...( T.T ) PRAY FOR ME !

mar d
exam fever
the manifestations of final exam stress syndrome :O

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Redhailah Kami Sebagai HambaMu ...

I Love You So ( Official Lyric )
Maher Zain

I pray to God
With my heart, soul and body

Every single day of my life
With every breath I solemnly promise
To try to live my life for you

O Allah, you did revive my soul
And shone Your light into my heart
So pleasing you is now my only goal
Oh I love you so
I love you so

Now I know how it's like
To have Your precious love in my life
Now I know how it feels

To finally be at peace inside
I wish that everybody knew
How amazing it feels to love You
I wish that everyone could see
How Your love has set me free
Set me free and made me strong

O Allah, I'm forever grateful to You
Whatever I say could never be enough

You gave me strength to overcome my uncertainties
And stand firm against all the odds

You are the One who did revive my soul
You shone Your light into my heart
So pleasing you is now my only goal
Oh I love you so
I love you so

My love, my life, my days, my nights, my wealth, my prayers - all for You

And I swear that I will never put anyone
Or anything before You

mar d

ya Rahman ya Rahim ,redhailah kami sebagai hambaMu