Monday, May 7, 2012

Culture Competence Workshop*


May peace be upon you :)

I attended the Culture Competence Workshop as the last group of First Year Malaysian Students in Medical Developement Center (MEDC) last weekend  :)
It was fun and make my mind wonders about bigger things other than final exam and the subjects discussed in lectures daily.

The trainer talk a little about the minority and majority group around the world during the workshop.

The aim of the Culture Competence Workshop is to bring the students to appreciate others culture, how they communicates and understand things by gaining the fact that people are different in all ways due to different factors such as experience, lifestyle, education, race and nationality.

This is a very important idea, a reality that every medical doctor-to-be must accept today because after graduation, he may one day serves the patients from international society.

I write this piece as my respond to the Culture Competence Workshop.

*Minority, Majority.. There are no such things today. *

first of all, let me get straight with you?

when you think about majority, the first thing you will think about is power, right?
This is because when you are the majority, you have the advantage of power to decide things.

and when you think about minority, they are powerless.
I mean lesser than the majority.

The trainer, Prof Salma mentioned that
Jewish is once a minority in USA. They have been discriminated once in many years ago. They wake up then and realized that only with money they can control people.

Nowadays, we can see that the huge money-makers are mostly Jewish. They make money and then buy the mainstream media. Why? Because they know that only with media they can change people ideas, change the way people think and then they can change what people think about them.
Play with human mind to control and make people to act like how they want.

The same goes with the African-Americans. They know that they are minority. If they do not find the strong place to hold on, something that can ensure their survival, they will continue to be pushed around.

Hence, today we can see the African-American conquered the sports arena in USA. Whenever you watch international games, the representatives of America are mostly them. They managed to come out and compete in the election and the first African-American president already have the stand.

If you look in the history, years ago.. the minority like Jewish is probihited to come into the restaurants in the cities, but today people minds and perception have changed. They accept each other much more than before but yeah some conflicts still occur.

If yesterday in history, the majority treats the minority with disgust and bad attitude, nowadays everything has change because the minority have come to make their voices heard. 

so why don't we look upon another type of minority.

the Muslims worldwide.
Our brothers, sisters, friends and families.
Not even forget to mention, ourselves !!

We are a majority in population but we are minority in power. Why?
well, there are thousand of answers, but the only exact reason is that we are far away astray from Islam. Our deen. Quran and Sunnah, the main education and guidance that Allah bless upon us.

Because Islam educates us in every aspect of life. Islam is not a religion. Islam is ad-DEEN. The way of life. 

If only we get back to our root, deepen our understanding on Islam.
Do what Allah ask us to do and leave His prohibitions.

All the problems we encountered among Muslims or even against the Islam enemies will come to the end. You will find the solution, If Allah will.

Just understand Islam and practice them by 100% in your life and not by choosing to practice what you like only.

#I think my English is very bad either in writing or speaking. Forgive me ! I know there are too many mistakes I've done in this humble piece. Feel free to correct me :)

# Tomorrow I have a practical exam, and now I'm currently updating my blog and editing delayed posts. HUHU...( T.T ) PRAY FOR ME !

mar d
exam fever
the manifestations of final exam stress syndrome :O

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