Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Listen ...

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

heeeeeeeeeeee *senyum lebar-lebar*
well, I'm in a very goood moood at this time. (2.14 am in the morning ??)
rasa macam nak update blog ;)

lately, many things happen
I realized that over this while
I talked tooo much
that I think
I forgot to stop, be silent for a moment
and listen
listen to others, environment
listen to myself

The truth is
people do not realize that when they are talking
in the same time,
they couldn't listen.

That is why a very good communication is when you are listening to each other words,
and not just by yelling out your opinions (and emotions! ahaks)

I feel like I can capture every moment, every sound, details when I really put my ears & heart on and just listen.

Now, its time to listen to myself,
to put the clear goals in front of me
keep looking forward to kick a penalty right through.

Listen to what are the best for me.
Decide the path that I would choose.

What I choose to feel?
What I choose to be?
What kind of spirit I wish to show?
What are the things I will fight for?

I choose my emotions and no one can change it if I have decided to feel so.
I choose my emotions so no one should I blame for the consequences.

Gather the strength.
You are yourself.
You are what you think, what you read, what you see and what you feel.

You make a difference to the world by making yourself different first !!

In my life I should not run from the fight,
because people who run from they fight never get what they really want & need,
and never ever will be happy.

Usaha, Doa ,Tawakkal.
Manisnya kalau usaha itu berserta dengan tawakkal kepada Allah :)
Kerana kita jelas dengan apa yang kita lakukan.

Menjadi seorang yang jelas matlamat, hala tuju & tindakannya.
Sesuatu yang telah hilang tanpa disedari
Hanya yang berusaha pasti akan mendapatkan kembali.

mar d
semua pun pasti ada Hikmahnya :)

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