Jangan tanya sbb apa keluar makan !
stress tau musim exam ni.
the HM
Musim exam la ada masa nak keluar makan, kalau minggu-minggu biasa, weekend akan dipenuhi dengan kebimbangan kalau-kalau tak cukup masa study sebab kuiz tiap-tiap minggu.
Salah siapa ?
Hehe, so sekali sekala kitorang keluarla makan sama-sama :)
Y Toscanini ?
Sugesstion orang. Lagipun semua org dah tired of kiwi and spectra.
Kalau ikut hati nak makan Nasi Yemen je tau. Mengidam Nasi Yemen dah berapa minggu ni :'(
Melangkah penuh bergaya HM bertekad untuk mencapai Mumtaz dan lebih afdhalnya Imtiyaz utk tahun 2013.
I know I cannot do this alone, sebab selalu je tenggelam dalam dunia sendiri.
Huh, kalau tengok orang sekeliling study, memang rasa inferior gila.
Tapi thats exactly y kita kena ada cerminan.
Refleksi diri melalui observasi ke atas orang lain :)
Kawan itu kan cerminan diri kita.
Dia boleh beritahu kita apa y takkan pernah kita nampak kewujudannnya pada diri kita sendiri.
Amazing kan ?
T.T and I hope I am brave enough to face the mirror.
*Someone will be coming home for good.
Well, the day will also come for me to do so.
Maybe it seems very far away, but I had been dreaming the same thing before, and as the years passed by, you will not even realize that the moment has finally come.
** Saying good bye -teen, hello -ty in 2013. I guess I should behave like a real growing up now. ;)
No more of 'cannot put all my acts together' scenes. Haha. Just saying.
*** Resolutions ? Should work on it right now.
I have a few things in mind since Maal Hijrah. Yet, I don't really write them all down.
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last week
German Apple Cake - birthday Us - the third GAC in a week.
mar d :
pray for me, Anatomy paper is coming soon and I'm terrified already T___T
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