Saturday, July 6, 2013

Room Cleaning and Ramadhan Resolutions

Assalamu'alaikum wbt ^^

I cleaned my fan blade .. and casings too. 
Now it feels like the beach breeze is blowing in my room.

I am about to clean my mess in the room. 

Gotta bring out my big blue luggage.
Do the laundry and everything.

I believe that the exam will still take place on Tuesday. So I shall continue my reading and keep updated with the latest notice.

Ramadhan will be here soon. 
Absorbing the spirit of Ramadhan. 
List a few things that I wanna achieve during Ramadhan.

It is a great month of blessing and opportunity to make changes of yourself. 

Do not let this opportunity slips away. 

Do you know why Ramadhan can be the best time to make changes in you? This is how it works. As all the pahala that you get when performing amal soleh during Ramadhan is double fold, so does the effects.

(quoted from Ust Azam from his talk on Azam Ramadhan last night ^^)

Awesome right ?

and for the girls, surely we will have the time when we can't fast, but do not worry, we also get the same amount of pahala with other people who fast for the whole month. 
This is because we obey Allah's order for not to fast during the menstruation.

We perform the obligation for the sake of Allah. That is the most important thing.

Even if you can't fast, read the Quran or perform your solah,
don't be sad, there are other ways to gain pahala and benefits of Ramadhan
you can cook and prepare food for the fasting people,
zikr and bersedekah :)

So here's to me myself and I :)
Lets have a productive Ramadhan.

You can do this ! May Allah bless :)

mar d 
temukan kami dengan Ramadhan. ameen.

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