Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The 101st. Already ?

this is my 101st post.

yesterday I published my 100th post.
not sure y I didn't realize it 

maybe because Thyroid stole all my focus.

101st already 
long journey,huh ?

. . .

Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.

The first quote is really good yet the one below is my favourite :)

A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles.

mar d
one step at a time

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Random # 5

Action speaks louder than word,

. . . . .

They do not speak as loud as my heart ~~
Apakah ?

mar d
*study leave bermula*

Sunday, December 16, 2012

My list of what-to-do this week is going on and on ...
Things and stuffs are piling up.
And I end up cracking a little bit here and there.

Tajdid niat. Tarik nafas. Go to sleep.

mar d
everything for tomorrow was merely done!
Alhamdulillah ya Rabb.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Interbatch Cairo University Carnival
telah berlangsung dengan jayanya semalam :)

Sangat best. Sangat seronok dan dapat release tension ~~
dengan exam dan kuiz y menggila ~

ICU ni lebih kurang macam family day.

Ada games, makan-makan, gerai2 .. etc
paling best ada BBQ.

Barbecue-ing time winter memang pergh !

As aku jadi pembantu utk unit Makanan,
so memang dah kerja aku la angkut dan kumpul semua ayam yang dah masak ke tempat hidang.
Semua batch ada stesen memanggang untuk dijaga,
memang kecoh dan gamat dibuatnya.

Disebabkan aku bertugas,
I decided to not miss the fun 
and participated in the very first game that morning.

Game ala-ala telefon buruk tapi instead of passing the hint by words we need to draw it.
Sebab B yang jadi org first, so batch kitorg ada kelebihan.
Haha, sebab B orang kuat kartunis persatuan. 

So lukisan dia mmg kreatif, simple but really convey the whole clue.

Aku yang next ni, just copy je lukisan B and passed it to the next person.
Alhamdulillah, we won ! Haha, mengalahkan Gen12, 10, 9, 8 and 7.

As this is an interbatch day, we are required to wear something to show that we are from the Gen11.

So everyone was asked to wear either pink or red tudung plus this simple headband with GEN11Us written on it.
They even made us to wear nametags.

It was so fun to meet and greet each other. 
I even able to comfortably greet seniors without awkwardly asking her name again and again. (=.=")

Gen 9 theme colour was red, while Gen 8 chose purple and Gen10 (aka Gen X) chose Black n Green.
Batch terbaik dimenangi oleh Gen 9. 
(well, ahli batch diorang memang mostly turun padang dan sangat sporting !)

Turut diadakan sesi pengenalan calon-calon Ajkt Cawangan yg bertanding untuk pilihan raya sesi depan.
Masing-masing dengan manifesto yang mantap, gempak dan tak kurang juga yang hangat. 
( Haha, tahun ni first time dengar manifesto ada kaitan dengan UBM)

Diorang ada hujah, bakat dan yang paling penting sebab tersendiri kenapa manifesto itu yang diperjuangkan.
Well, I enjoy most of the their speeches.

Walaupun penat, mengurus & membahagikan makanan masa lunch untuk barisan manusia yang tak putus,
aku berjalan pulang dengan hati yang riang gumbira.

Hee, sangat berterima kasih pada OPU yang dah jana idea utuk anjurkan ICU ni ^^

Sebab tempat program separate, memang we Girls have fun and really enjoy the day. Cheering and laughing and golek-golek atas rumput artificial. Hehe.

* An epic day, menang cabutan bertuah. Jarang sekali berlaku. Huu

** Exam midyear menjelang :O

mar d
We Are One BIG Family

Friday, December 7, 2012


kelas tafaqquh Ust. Wan

wht I learnt ;

- yakin dengan apa yang kita usahakan 
-mintak dengan Allah sungguh-sungguh 

maksudnya kat sini, kalau kita solat hajat, solat hajat dengan yakin dan sungguh-sungguh.
yakin dengan usaha kita untuk dapatkan kejayaan. Yakin yang Allah akan tolong.
Yakin dengan izin Allah, kita akan boleh jawab dengan usaha study kita yang sungguh-sungguh tuh. 

Allahu a'lam
Bittaufiq wannajah :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

malangnya my escapism is reading and masuk dalam dunia orang lain. tapi escape takkan selesaikan masalah. 
fix that in your mind !


Bajet nak redakan sikit tekanan, kelek Shopaholic Abroad bawak pergi majlis penutup.
Bila baca, bertambah stress aku dibuatnya.
Dengan makcik Becky yang tak betul.
Hidup dia yang nampaknya lagi bermasalah drpd aku, buat rasa tension tu bertambah-tambah.
HUH. Last-last tak baca dah pun. Tengah saspen nak tunggu keputusan Karnival DoCS.

Sah-sah nak baca buku ni tunggu lepas midyear. Bila tak stress sangat dah. Hoh.

Dah terima hadiah kuiz. Banyak-banyak snek dalam bag hadiah tu, aku amik Lambada ngan Borio je. Lagipun aku rasa diorang lagi banyak sumbangannya.. hehe.. aku ni pelengkap syarat je.

You know apa yg I rasa bila makan biskut tu. I tasted the victory ! The most delicious borio n lambada in the world.
Sudah. Nak telan panadol and take a deep sleep :) Night.

mar d
runny nose, panas sejuk panas sejuk.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Me. Myself. I

Prepare myself for the future life. Whether it is short distance away or long distance. I'm just about to make myself stronger than ever. And and and, do less talking than thinking :)

Yes, put in more thinking in everything. Do less talking !

Whatever is happenning, I'm putting my trust in Allah. Kerana hanya kepadaNya kita harus bergantung.

Alhamdulillah ya Allah. Tsabatkanlah hati ini dan hati-hati orang yang aku cintai atas jalan yang diredhai-Mu. Amin.

mar d

Friday, November 23, 2012

Kepingan Memori *DoCS ; Team Kuiz Leopus

"A person with no will to fight will never be happy"

Assalamualaikum wbt :)))
Heee B)

Salah satu kepingan memori tercipta lagi,
kusisip baik-baik dalam khazanah 
setiap kepingan tercipta, mengobah aku kepada aku yang baru
begitu besarnya pengaruh sebuah pengalaman ! :)

1- Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah !
Maseh tersenyum lebar, meraikan kemenangan kuiz DoCS. Hehe, wpun penyertaan aku disahkan last-last minute n dengan tak sedianya, cuaknyaa... 

Waaaaa taksangka Leopus meninggalkan Pegasus & Scorpio jauh ke belakang. 
Kemenangan ni bukan untuk dibanggakan, tapi untuk dijadikan pengajaran. Sebahagian daripada didikan yang Allah nak tunjuk. 
Hidayah? Petunjuk? Peringatan dari Allah ? Mungkin ? Semua tu tak mustahil.

2- Satu benda yang aku belajar harini, yakin dengan ilmu yang kita kutip dan amalkan.
Ke arah menjadi orang yang teguh keyakinan kejap pegangan. :) InsyaAllah.
Keyakinan antara aspek penting dalam peribadi seorang doktor Muslim. Pegang baik-baik.

3- DoCS antara peristiwa yang akan sangat mewarnai hari-hari baru di Tahun 2 ini. Sebabnya, banyak involvement ahli-ahli Gen11us. 
-credits to jawatankuasa DoCS-

Semua orang sangat enjoy and having fun.

Gelak sana, senyum sini, sokoong sana, cheers sini. Kecoh sana, play games sini.

Orang yang tak pernah terjun outdoor (aku la tu =.=)  pun boleh tetiba semangat turun practice (first day main sengal satu badan, sbb muscles terkejut :p)

kenal basketball, kenal frisbee, yang akhawat baru belajar nak guna kaki tendang bola, main futsal. Huhuu. Haru dibuatnya.

Tapi DoCS belum berakhir.
Maseh berbaki satu minggu :) *senyum lebar-lebar*

tak sabar nak terus ber-having fun sambil mengeratkan tali-tali ukhuwah. :)

*DoCS : Days of Connecting Scholars , "Aspire Never Tire"

**esok basket. games yang paling tak pernah sentuh. :O

mar d
berkampung bersama team kuih utk karnival
aroma muffin pisang
9.27 malam

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

7929.15 km

7929.15 km
ingat angka ni baik-baik,
you have come this far
why mess up now ?
why give up now?

whyyy ??

ibadah kamu ; part of it is studying well, I mean very very well
the best ibadah is the the one you do with ikhlas and itqan :)
and remember,
Allah love one who do everything with diligency :)

Allah tak campak kamu sia-sia. Kamu asset ummah. Wake up !

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pushy Pumpkin Paralyzed

Rebell was never a good thing. You just want to escape right? Escapism was never a solution.
Get up, grow up !
Grab a highlighter and focus.

It was really hard to push yourself to read.

130 pages for 5 MCQ. The deal seems to be more interesting day to day.
Enjoy the breath from the textbooks.
SNS, SS, Endo  *I Loike*

Tajdid niat selalu. Kenapa anda di sini? Kenapa anda menggengam highlighter dan membaca dengan penuh azam dan semangat waja ? Kenapa anda ambil kisah tentang Acromegaly atau Bipolar cells berceracakan dalam lapisan Retina ? Kenapa? Skema jawapan terbaik di tangan anda ;) Muehehe

mar d 
quiz fever

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Assalmualaikum wbt :)

Dua tiga hari ini banyak benor benda-benda yang teringin nak makan.
Dah siap google recipes apa semua dah, tinggal nak buat je.
tapi memang harapan tinggal kenangan jela...
sumpah busy dan sumpah pemalas gila.

Senarai Idaman (mengidam ? hoho)

-kuih lapes :) : tepung beras ada je, dlm resepi macam senang je nak buat, tinggal nak pinjam kukus Sarah + beli pewarna merah

-cucur badak : keledek baki haritu masih di dalam dapur, bila ntah nak menjadi. bahan2 inti pun dah dibeli, tunggu masa je

-kari kambing : daging dah membeku dalam fridge, tapi bahan byk yg takde kat rumah, off to the market dulu baru bole jalan.

-telur hancur Az's style : makan yang dia buat hrtu, mmg superb habis, letak lada besar + tomato banyak2, Mantapp. Paling simple.

-sup tulang : bila ntah nak jadi ? huuuu

Paling teringin sekarang ni kuih lapes... bila ntah nak rajin sikit. I need the kuih vendor right here right now. :(

* exam histo Khamis ni, banyak lagi belum dicover, sekurang-kurangnya hrni kene stat exercise dah ! *
Yosh !

Rabbuna yusahhil insyaAllah :)

mar d
kuih lapes pojaan hatiku

Friday, October 26, 2012

Eidul Adha tiba lagi :)

May peace be upon you !

Tanggal 10 Zulhijjah tiba lagi. Maseh disini raya di perantauan.
Ambil syarat, pkai baju kurung walaupun duduk kat rumah je :)

Meladeni hari raya aidiladha. Sinonim dengan pengorbanan.
Semalam Malam Gema dan Forum di markas PERUBATAN.
Minda Tadhiyyah Generasi Jihad.
itu tajuknya.

Cerita ttg camno generasi kita nak berkorban dalam berjihad sehari-hari.
Berjihad dlm erti kata skrg, adalah berjihad menentang nafsu diri sendiri.
Jihd y lebih sukar drpd jihad mata pedang.

aku kena berkorban untuk jihad ilmu, belajar. Grow up.
Berjauhan dari Malaysia, jauh dari famili dan orang-orang terchenta.

Walaupun hakikatnya pengorbanan itu sedang berlaku, tapi tak guna kalau aku tak ikhlas tak sungguh-sungguh.

Takde sebab untuk kita mempersoalkan takdir Allah. Sebab Allah beri kita apa yang kita perlu bukan apa yang kita mahukan.
dan mungkin juga, itu adalah jawaban Allah buat doa-doa kita yang lalu.

Kita selalu mintak Allah beri kita yang terbaik, 
mintak Allah bagi kekuatan, 
mintak Allah ampunkan dosa kita, 
mintak Allah tsabatkan hati kita di jalan Allah.

dan ini mungkin jawabannya.

Allah bagi kita orang-orang sekeliling yang suka pesan-pesan kat kita hal-hal yg benar dan dengan sabar, supaya kita tak hanyut.

Allah bagi kita ruang dan jalan untuk menuntut ilmu supaya kita dapat kesedaran agama, supaya kita boleh bezakan apa yang baik apa yang buruk agar kita berupaya memilih.
Supaya kita sedar salah kita dan bertaubat.

Allah campak kita dalam situasi ujian sebab ujian itu menguatkan mencekalkan hati kecil ini.

Semua yang kita pohon dalam doa, takkan Allah beri sedebuk sebijik benda tu kat kita tanpa kita perlu usaha melalui perjalanan untuk mendapatkannya.

sebab Allah nak kita rasainya sendiri, supaya benda tu 
mematangkan kita 
memberi kesan 
diari kehidupan kita sebagai hamba yang hina di muka bumiNya ini :)
Bersyukur 'alla kulli haal wa kulli nikmah.

PS :
Berkorban asal daripada perkataan QA RA BA ertinya dekat-QARIB.
harapnya pengorbanan yang kita lakukan akan mendekatkan kita kepada Allah, insyaAllah :)

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha
Kullu sanah Wa Entum Toyyibin !

*merindui ayah, mak, hadek beradek yang bertebaran, tokmak, makcikpakcik,
teman-teman sejati :')
434,1828, Lebak

mar d
berkurung hijau di ruang tamu

Monday, October 22, 2012

These days ...

Listen, I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home in my own home...

-listen, beyonce-

these days, I struggled a lot to keep my focus on everything.
when I say everything, they are doubled the amount I need to face last year.
found it very hard.
but that is how you learn and grow up.

Eid is around the corner.
Kullu sanah wa entum bikher insyaAllah.

I hope the stress will tone down soon, as the holiday is coming.

mar d
hanya kepada-Mu aku memohon, kuatkanlah hati ini

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mengalir bersama Aliran ^^

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Baru pulang dr program Glow with Flow bersama senior mumtaz tahun 2 sesi lepas.
Perkongsian y super duper awesome.

banyak juga tips-tips menarik yg dpt cilok.

Sekarang lebih bersemangat melangkah penuh gaya ke tahun 2.
Antra perkara2 yg ditekankan oleh senior2 ni adalah.

- wujudkan environment study di rumah. jangan pndg study sbg benda yg lopek atau remeh. (tiru ayat diorg)

- study secara berythm since awal tahun lagi

-avoid study last minute, time management.

-plan study jauhhhh lebih awal sebelum exam

-cilok sebyk mungkin info time kelas (lectures) sebab banyak waktu diperuntukkan utk lecture setiap hari.

-banyakkan berdoa usaha n tawakkal. Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengasihi. ^^

Ingat Mard , FOKUS dan ISTIQAMAH dalam study !! InsyaAllah :)

Jangan malas-malas. You are the asset of ummah.

p/s: dah sibuk fikir nak balik ke tak winter nih. kawan ajak pergi jordan diorg dah rancg trip 11 hari.
lama gila berjalan sampai 11 hari, dahla cuti winter 16 hari je (officially).

Jordan. Turki. Sinai. Malaysia.
aku pun tak tahu laaaaaaaaa  -stress-

mar d
menuju puncak 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tempat jauh lagi dikenang, ini pula tempat bermain :")

Tempat jauh lagi dikenang, ini pula tempat bermain.

*Purun dalam kenangan :")

semalam bermimpi aku pulang ke Purun setelah sekian lama.
(walaupun peliknya, kerana aku menaiki tren, sedangkan satu-satunya pggkutn awam yg tersedia ialah bas). 

Dalam mimpi tu aku, menangis tak henti-henti setelah tibanya di Purun. 

macam real. siap bertemu mata dengan teman-teman lama bekas classmates dolu-dolu.
walaupun diorg semua dah agak adult face, tapi wajah-wajah itu still familiar. (wbgmnpun, aku tak dapat igt pun nama-nama diorg)

Sedih tu macam berbekas dalam hati. still boleh feel wpun bila dah sedar dr lena.

seseorang juga muncul dalam mimpi itu. berada dalam gerabak yang sama, cuma seperti biasa tak mempedulikan antara satu sama lain.

kenapa dia?

jangan tanya aku. 
sepanjang hari macam mood swing.
terbayang-bayang mimpi semalam.
sakit kepala + jiwa kacau :(
Syaitan  punya hasutan. Istighfar banyak-banyak.

*gerabak keretapi buat aku teringat kisah Nuha dan Alang Rebus Tak Empuk dalam "Surat Ungu untk Nuha".
Tulah addicted sgt pada buku surat ungu utk nuha, smpai termimipi-mimpi.
pastu dok teringat-ingat kat Eyrah.. tu yang smpai Purun terbang. Huuuuuu.

I love Purun. 

*Nak melawat Purun tapi tak tahu nak jumpa sape. Diorg igt lg tak pd mard. 

Semoga dikurniakan peluang jumpa kawan2 & cikgu2. (ustzh amizah lebih-lebih lg)

mar d
kental lah kebal lah wahai jiwa ..

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Second Year Goosebumps

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

Hi Hi and Hi
It's sure feels good to finally have wifi in the house. Alhamdulilah :))
Now I can continue my writing after years of waiting. --" 
(its not even a month !)

Second year has give me goosebumps and headaches even before the lectures start.
In the very first day of school I was killed (literally) by Neuroanatomy.
Gosh, that course of Anatomy sure know how to tangle my brain cells.

Hehe. However, I do have fun going back to school.

Although the subjects are all complicated ( I mean it ), they are all fun and amazing.
Learning something complicated but fun is way more enjoyable than learning something easy but dull.

I take different courses of Physiology in a week. Endocrine, NS and Special Senses.
3 different lecturers make the whole week seem less boring.
There are always funny, interesting remarkable things happened in any class.

The Neuro world has suspended for a little while so that we all can continue with Head & Neck part 1.
It is hard to remember everything but they are easy to relate with each other.

Biochem was fun with all these cycles and metabolism things been explained by the lecturer. As they are related with what happened to the food we ate. 

And Histology is very simple and enjoyable like usual. 
(Although I don't like to stay in the lab for a long time, kelek-ing microscope huuhuu)

The topics for this year are very interesting. 
We took The Digestive System, half of the course last week. It was really really awesome. I tell u wat, I think I love the digestive system since the secondary school. Whenever we are learning this topic in Science or Biology I get overexcited overjoyed. Haha :) 

Talk about how its been like to be back living in Cairo, I has spend my last weekend killing my time at CS with Syurrun, (Thanks sebab sudi accompany, kalau tak takde kasut la nak pkai)

Well I do have reason why I decided to go shopping. I need a new pair of shoes definitely.

(End up buying the less - beauty - but- less- money-spent type of shoes) the modest type. 
"I'm more to that kind of look these days."
 Ahaha :3

The part that I like the most, I finally can eat fried chicken at Texas Chicken ;) (take away though)
Well, u know me. I really enjoyed good food. Hehe.
We had brunch at Aunty Anne's :) Lattes, almond pretzel and pizza.  

The part that I hate the most, I spent my money on something I don't really need. Like a spare pillow. 
The price is LE 35 equal RM 17.50. Not bad isn't it. ( kick the guilt away)
Actually, I've been thinking that if there are guests coming over (especially during winter, last time I have three of them) I will have extra pillow for them. I even have extra winter blanket from the last time.
What a thoughtful me :pp

Window shopping. Banyak gila sale. Smpai 70%. Haha. Tapi sebab memang takde apa nak cari. Jalan-jalan cuci mata jelah.

* First time upload mengupload gambar. 

** way too much grammar mistakes, I think. Malas nak check. B)

*** Doa-doakan semoga segalanya dipermudahkan di Tahun Dua dan tahun-tahun seterusnya, InsyaAllah :)

mar d
I'm walking on sunshine, oooh ~

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Happy Ending

guess what ??
I finally passed my driving test :) yesterday.
after all those days full with worrisome that I never make it here.
I guess my driving instructor really glad that I finally passed the big test. after taking it for the third time. Epic.
(but I am not telling her... yet, I will give her a call later)

Alhamdulillah, thank u Allah !

today I am going to settle a few things before applying for my P.
I am supposed to go to JPJ today but guessed what, I didn't make it.
something was coming up.
and my bro thought that it will be too late and we will not make it to the JPJ on time. 

(which is before 3.30pm, well certain gov counters do close earlier than the others )

till I got my P.
pray that I will not post about my victory into any newspaper and make a fool out of myself.
haha JK

mar d
happy ending to my journey of driving lesson ^^

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Eight Hours, The Eight Days

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

8 jam paling crucial dalam hidup aku (buat masa skrg)
fokus sewaktu praktikal memandu
inilah masanya
untuk give all out
cekap driving
dan lulus dengan jayanya weeehuuu

satu benda yang aku pasti
I come back this year stronger than ever
tempoh setahun berjaya buat aku matang sikit dalam menilai keadaan dan membawa diri
(aku tak kata aku matang macam adult yang dah legal utk buat loan, hoho)
ye, matang sikit tu maksudnya
matang sikit dari time mula-mula sudah exam spm
lepas spm haritu memang lost sikit
takde buat apa2 kat umah (apa2 yg berfaeedah sikit)
takde tanggungjawab besar macam kat sek
tak belajar mende baru
takde orang motivate kiri kanan
hidup aman sentosa, lepak lepak chill saja
memang la

but this time, Allah bagi aku new chance
8 jam yang aku ada ni memang aku nak pulun habis-habis
kalau boleh sekali je nak test 29/8 ni
then insyaAllah bakal spend the last 3 weeks of my holiday for another more important matters,

PEACEFULLY.. yeayy ! 

doa-doakan agar urusan test saya dipermudahkan ye ^^

-bakal student paling berdedikasi dan tekun di sekolah memandu-

tiada halangan hanya peluang !

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


menonton Inside di saluran 553.
sesak dada dibuatnya.
tak dapat bayangkan 7 tahun di Guantanamo tanpa pengadilan.
tak dapat bayangkan 7 tahun tak bertemu ahli keluarga sanak saudara.

tapi masih mendayu azan subuh di Guantanamo, memberi kekuatan pada jiwa yang disapa.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Keputusan Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun 1 GEN11US


bersyukur tak terhingga :)
Wpun bukan mumtaz, JJ pun dah sangat bersyukur.
(yelah, kalau usaha pun tak seberapa macam mana nak dpt mumtaz ;)

nak capai mumtaz inshaAllah untuk exam seterusnya !!
ambil pengajaran dan manfaatkan pengalaman tahun 1
percayalah, rahmat Allah itu luas
peluang yang telah diberi,
jangan dipersia :)
peringatan untuk diri sendiri B)

Ya Allah kurniakan kekentalan jiwa dan ketabahan hati diiringi kekuatan iman untuk kami terus berlari.

mar d
kick the hesitation, wanna run free

Berat Badan Ideal ? (",)

May peace be upon you guys.
and salam Ramadhan :)

Few weeks at home, berat badan menurun sebanyak TIGA kg. Arghh.
Tatau la kenapa. Sekarang berat aku 44 kg.. rekod terendah sepanjang 5 tahun.. agaknyalah.
Tapi aku happy je duduk rumah. 
Konklusinya, berat badan turun bukan bermaksud tak bahagia 
dan kalau berat badan bertambah bukan semestinya sebab orang tuh tersangatlah bahagia.. 
haha. stress pun boleh buat org kuat makan tau.

Sebenarnya bimbang jugak berat turun teramat. Huhu..
akan terus cuba kawal makan, biar makan banyak 
tapi kurang makan yg minyak2, goreng2, manis2 tuh sume.
Berat normal kat rumah biasanya 45 kg, dan di asrama dan  Mesir biasanya 47.
Paling tinggi 50kg kalau time sekolah dulu2. 
mana taknya dewan makan punya makanan sedap gilaaaaaa, makan pulak 6 kali sehari. Memang laah..

Apa pun y penting JAGA KESIHATAN ! 
minum banyak air, sayur buah jgn tinggal dan kurma pun.. Heee

Manfaatkan Ramadhan sebaiknya.

mar d
Selamat berpuasa :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Kecuakannnnn Tahap Giga

Result kawan-kawan Azhar & ASU sudah diumumkan.
Tidak mahu berputus asa, harus terus berdoa..
Cuak huhuuu

Semoga dikurniakan keputusan peperiksaan yang bagus utk semua GEN11US , the best gift for holiday ^^
InsyaAllah :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Di Abu Dhabi ^^

May peace be upon you..

diri ini dalam musafir ingin pulang ke tanah air tercinta
banyak dugaan yang dilalui
memang betul2 menguji kesabaran

sape kata balik senang? ahaha
mgkin ni baru kali kedua aku naik flight.
so it was super-uncomfortable...

sekarang tgh transit di abu dhabi, 4 jam kot.
tapi okey je,
sebab ada wifi
and tempat menunggu yg selesa
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah alaa kulli haal
Wpun byk benda yang aku telah sedang dan akan lalui
sepanjang dua hari perjalanan pulang (dua hari kau ?!)
tapi aku tahu apa pun yang terjadi ada hikmahnya
risau, nervous, takut, cuak, penat, letih
apa pun yang kau takutkan atau bimbangkan
doalah pada Allah
Dia yang Maha Mengetahui M

Monday, July 9, 2012

Dinner GEN11us ^^

sleep well, tomorrow you will be one very busy bee :)
yes, tomorrow is the night
I still have problem to decide which tudung I want to wear.(shawl/ square hijab)
Hate this . Urgh.

I think I shall just grab one of them 10 min before leaving the house. Haha. 

What I really want is a peaceful, enjoyable night on the ship restaurant - El Saraya
Feeling the breeze of windy night by the Nile River
Sitting and chatting in my most comfortable way, and my (hopefully) comfortable dress.
Thats y I don't wanna dress up in something too outrageous than my usual style
I wanna be comfortable enough too move around.

Lets enjoy the night. GEN11us forever !

* * * * *
heee, few more things and I'm done.
I'm flying back home in less than a week ;) TEEHEE

Dinner - tomorrow night
House Chores + Unfinished Business + Cleaning
Packing .. more and more
and  Fly away ~~ !

Huuuuuray !!

May Allah bless,
may we reach home 
safe and sound biidznillah :)

mar d

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Suddenly I See .. (It is just the matter of time)

May peace be upon you :)

Today is an epic day.

I got a phone call.

Someone came to my house with surprisingly awesome yet unexpected wish.

someone try to ring the bell.
hit the red button.
kick start the cycle.
whatever you called it

This is one serious business I thought.
Then, it hit me.
If this is going to happen. Soon.
I should be prepared. Me, myself.
As in taking responsibilities.
Well, I'm taking responsibilities, but not in total.
As a middle child you live the life with less things to be worried about.
Because you have the elder siblings that will handle the situation and save the day.

This is fast.
I really don't ever expect something like this will come up in this time being.
I mean, there are no hints dropped.
I guess life is nothing but surprise.

Okay, lets move on to the next phase.
The accept-this-as-reality phase is done.

The next phase.
Think about what will I be in the future.
Changes. Can I handle this?

Will it be sooner or later?
How am I going to react?

In conclusion,
I know that
I'm willing to help, with everything I can.
Advice or solutions.
I will suggest the best that I can came up with.

I will support the decision made.
Although, I will be sad to stay apart.
Somehow that is life.
We are all sisters and we are always be there for each other.

Even if there is probability that it will not going to be so soon, I'm still thinking that the best thing to do right now is to be totally prepared. 

Plus, I must be there, I want to get involved. 
This is GREAT ! B)
I'm truly excited.

‎"..... boleh jadi kamu benci tentang sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, 
dan boleh jadi kamu suka sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagi kamu 
dan (ingatlah) , Allah jualah yang mengetahui (semuanya itu) , 
sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya "

( Al-Baqarah : 216 )

mar d
counting days

7th of July

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Never judge a book by its cover !
Never ever ever !

or you'll regret it.
Damn much.

Sometimes I don't want to jump into conclusions but the conclusions were shoved into my face 
I know that somehow, I misjudged you.
I know very well that people come in diversity and thousands variations.

so I shouldn't (as in should never ?) put a label on a person without further steps of knowing her/him.
Don't you think?

just saying

#Mer...... jom jerit ...deka lepas paper English !  ;)

mar d

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Happy Ending Buat Hati-hati Yang Sakit

Membelek JOM edisi 2,
terjumpa artikel Happy Ending buat Hati-hati yang Sakit -

Masuklah ke dalam Islam secara menyeluruh atau biarkan diri diperintah hawa nafsu&jahiliah.

#Tiada Islam separuh-separuh. Tiada Islam pilih-pilih. Tiada jalan tengah antara keduanya.

Setelah mengamalkan Islam secara kaafah, pasti bertemu happy ending, pengakhiran yang baik, Sebuah Husnul Khatimah :)

mar d

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Random # 4

"I hope life treats you kind
and I hope you have all you've dreamed of

and I wish to you joy and happiness
but above all these I wish you love. "

* I don't really have a good reason to quote these.
I just like it.

Yet, I am thinking about somebody. ;)

mar d
haruslah habiskan baca physio T___T

Sunday, June 17, 2012

My Affection

"I have this affection deep inside me
too deep that I'm sinking into myself
just to have the feel of it"

May Peace be upon You !

Sekarang tgh gap untuk paper Physio.
Subjek major, 200++ markah
Belajar best, nak exam pening nak revise.
Sangat banyak mechanism.
Macam A cakap, subj Physio macam study Bio time sekolah dolu-dolu
Sangat banyak facts. Plus, sangat banyak numeral facts.

Aku terfikir, kenapa aku pilih utk amik ni sebenarnya.
and I found the answer.

Fondness. Passion.

I do have affection towards Science.
Logic. Explanation. Reasons.
Something that I always adore.
The secret of nature.
Learn about the creation of Allah to know more about Him.

What I need right now,
to work harder and fight this feeling of hesitation that sometime knocked me down.
to study Lillahita3ala :)

I wanna run on this positive side. Everyday.
Allahu Allah.

# I hope I can score this subject. I really hope so. InsyaAllah.
# Today is the Father's Day. Happy Father's Day to Ayah :) May Allah bless ayah always. Stay healthy, I love u.
# btw, this is the 50th post by me :)) 5o posts in a few month. Addicted. Ahahaha.

mar d
physiology is cool ;)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

practically everyday

everyday everyday
practically I'm waiting
walking in patience shoes
laced with silver stars you picked for me
sing a lullaby
rock me to a long deep sleep :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Listen ...

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

heeeeeeeeeeee *senyum lebar-lebar*
well, I'm in a very goood moood at this time. (2.14 am in the morning ??)
rasa macam nak update blog ;)

lately, many things happen
I realized that over this while
I talked tooo much
that I think
I forgot to stop, be silent for a moment
and listen
listen to others, environment
listen to myself

The truth is
people do not realize that when they are talking
in the same time,
they couldn't listen.

That is why a very good communication is when you are listening to each other words,
and not just by yelling out your opinions (and emotions! ahaks)

I feel like I can capture every moment, every sound, details when I really put my ears & heart on and just listen.

Now, its time to listen to myself,
to put the clear goals in front of me
keep looking forward to kick a penalty right through.

Listen to what are the best for me.
Decide the path that I would choose.

What I choose to feel?
What I choose to be?
What kind of spirit I wish to show?
What are the things I will fight for?

I choose my emotions and no one can change it if I have decided to feel so.
I choose my emotions so no one should I blame for the consequences.

Gather the strength.
You are yourself.
You are what you think, what you read, what you see and what you feel.

You make a difference to the world by making yourself different first !!

In my life I should not run from the fight,
because people who run from they fight never get what they really want & need,
and never ever will be happy.

Usaha, Doa ,Tawakkal.
Manisnya kalau usaha itu berserta dengan tawakkal kepada Allah :)
Kerana kita jelas dengan apa yang kita lakukan.

Menjadi seorang yang jelas matlamat, hala tuju & tindakannya.
Sesuatu yang telah hilang tanpa disedari
Hanya yang berusaha pasti akan mendapatkan kembali.

mar d
semua pun pasti ada Hikmahnya :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Berkobar-kobar !

Berkobar-kobar semangat nak balik
tapi paling penting
kena berkobar-kobar semangat membaca buku
study week, waktu yang sgt sweeet (bukan sweat) oke
sebab kita dapat beribadah 
melalui apa??
melalui studyyyyy kerana Allah

*kena ajar diri sendiri supaya tak berkobar-kobar sebab asyik nak balik
sebab balik bukan pengakhiran, bukan balik for good,
masih berbaki banyaaak tahun lagi, perjuangan student-life ni
then, you gonna start a new journey, perjuangan doc-life.

Pengakhiran hanya ajal/kiamat. Sebelum pada itu berkobar-kobarlah mengejar akhirat. 

mar d
semakin berhabuk blog ni. *sapu-sapu*

Friday, June 1, 2012

true colours

You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
Its hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small

i see your true colours shining through
i see your true colours and thats why i love you
so dont be afraid
to let them show
your true colours
true colours
beautiful like a rainbow

Show me a smile then,
Don't be unhappy, can't remember
When I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there

lyrics from the song true colours#

dedicated to everyone dress in purple

dedicated to everyone who have been there for me :)
I love you more and more and more
thanks for the little hearts, smiles and the most important .. honesty.

may Allah grant you with Jannah.
where people never fight and feel sad.
where the happy days are everything you get.

may peace be upon you :)

mar d