Saturday, December 14, 2013

My Wish .. for you

for the people from my
past. present. future
my beloved parents, my family, relatives, friends, -mates, acquaintances

may Allah bless and protect you guys 
with His love and mercy

* * *

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

On meeting new people ~

Meeting new people sometimes makes you nervous overload.
Jot this down ,

Dengan berkenal-kenalan manusia mengikat kasih sayang sesama mereka. 
Dengan berkasih sayang, manusia menyempurnakan iman mereka.
-Ust Jamal-

Kenal. Stori Mori. Berukhuwah fillah.

Amacam ? X kenal maka x kan pernah suka. 

New environment, new workplace, new posting, new people ..
All the best !

Berdampinganlah dengan orang soleh solehah. Moga ada sifat baik lekat pada kita. ^^

Friday, November 29, 2013

staying up
working till late at night
freezing toes
nibbling oreos
fingers running on the keyboards
Microb textbooks laying around open 

have to double check the answers tomorrow !

Alhamdulillah on my way to spell 

#mid year questions answer book compilation

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Bad things won't just vanish.
Worst thing that can happen is they become viral.

I wish we have the strength. I pray for us to have the strength to stop this.

Jahiliyyah, kemungkaran.

Be firm, say NO.



Because of ...

There was a bridge in front of you but you choose to not to cross it.
Turn out to be the bridge is fragile. If only you decide to cross it, you might end up drowning.

so here's to never regret anything.
put your trust in Allah because He knows what's best for you.

(at hometown)

Once upon a time in KAMS ...

Assalamualaikum wbt :)
I'm back here in egypt for almost a month now .
A month feels like 2 months to me 

I have a lot to rant about, but again I manage to hold it all inside me, do some thinking (like I never do b4)
thoroughly reasoning all the things that I am facing right now, and all these make me feel better actually. I'm okay. Yes that is official now. 
I guess I just need some time, (or maybe I just need the time to pass by and everything in this world will move on and so do I )

Full setop.

Today I am witnessing how much a muslim cares about their muslim brothers.
While I'm walking home from the dept towards the main gate, in the open area there were like a hundred students (boys and girls) 
performing solat jenazah 
we guess that it is for the people who died yesterday in Tahrir.  I heard there were 20 of them.

 We also heard that there were students of medicine was getting on trial this week for what happened last summer. (again I heard this from others and not from any official resource)

They were performing the solat calmly, although there are a lot of people around (other students who are not joining, staring as they passed by).

From what I saw, there are some people here who really care about others. 
Their relationship and connection between each other was so strong and they do expressed what they feel to the world. We are really touched by their sincerity and solidarity towards the persecuted.

May Allah bless them all. Ameen.

Pray for Egypt, for our fellow muslims.

P/s : I read the article about Morsi trial. Seriously, I think the media has really big influence in deviating the local readers' mind about what to expect from it. Menci. Plus the trials was not opened to public. So people can only judged from the statements expressed in the media.

Pp/s : Once, early in the morning as we walk to school, we even spotted our Dean in the street walking alone into the university gate while his subordinates were arriving at the entrance with their drivers. 
Our Dean is the best. Plus, he looks like Albert Einstein. Extra point ! :P

Ppp/s : Super seniors final exam has started yesterday. Finally they are graduating insyaAllah this winter. What about u ? Are you ready ? to merge into this whole healthcare world. Knock knock !

mar d
berusaha eskelator kejayaan !

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Berseorangan tidak mengapa kerana Allah itu sentiasa ada bersama.
Memanjatkan doa didalam hati utk yang jauh di mata.

*kembali ke Mesir, banyak perkara berlaku dan berlalu.

mar d

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Packed Weekend

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

It has been a long time since my last post, but who cares, I'm in the middle of mid holiday crisis.

(a lot of things happened during that period, believe me you dont wanna know everything, or maybe some litlle things ? I'll make time to write some of that later insyaAllah)

Staying at home during weekdays make me a boring person.
so last weekend I had a blast with my friends at my old school and joined them as we the exstudents
held a fun 3D 2N programme for the form One students.

as to reward myself, last Sunday night I joined my party of friends to the Terengganu Overseas Students Grand Raya Dinner 
held at Ri-Yaz Heritage Marina Resorts and Spa 
organized by Persatuan Mahasiswa Anak Terengganu (PERMATA) Luar Negara.

when I metioned 'reward' here, it is because I thought it will be fun to meet up with my friends and have a good time catching up, after all this while. Plus, not forget to mention to eat some mooree ~

(Raya has almost come to an end and I don't have time to visit them so this was a golden opportunity for a 'busy at home' person like me. Yeayy)

after dinner
with the GENX seniors

Imtiazians spm '10
(fyi, I'm the only SMID ex student in this pic)

till then.. 
pray for me to be as normal and progressive as I can be
May Peace be upon you

Monday, July 15, 2013

How to... what ?

May peace be upon you. :)

jatuh cinta dengan buku How To Be Interesting, by Jessica Hagy. 
purchase it during my 'sleepover' at KLIA
Very compact. Less words. Cute and brilliant diagrams that make you ponder. Inspiring.
Full of fun strategies to deal with life.
A must have. Applicable 10 steps for almost everyone.

mar d
a good book to discuss with your darlings
i looove this book 

Quick Update

dua tiga hari ni aku dah anjur kempen mari membaca
ada a few books yang kkk aku borong semasa ketiadaan adindanya ini, dan semestinya buku-buku nukilan
penulis-penulis favourite

last nite, habiskan CLDO
best walaupun aku rasa part-part last tu cam tak best
cuba meningkatkan kuantiti bacaan semasa cuti coz klu balik nnt tak banyak dah material bacaan yang ada dengan aku.
nak angkut ? mmg taklah. (maybe try seludup a few) hewhew

everybody expect aku boleh memandu bila aku balik
ngehe, tp stkt ni aku cuma drive sekali je. dr pondok keselamatan taman sampai garaj.
belum ada keyakinan. heh
dialog mak 'akak bawaklah, nnt senang klu akak nak keluar ke mana-mana'
wuuu, umpan besar ni
best gak klu keluar sendiri utk uruskan my personal business
dahla banyak benda-benda remeh yang kena settlekan di bandar
etlis boleh tlg hntrkan kkk ke ofis or pergi lepak umah tokmak.

duhh. i will try. 
the two big boys will be home this weekend. 
memang aku buli jugak jd co-driver

there are a few things that have been bugging me
uncertainties .. sesuatu yang aku tak mahu fikir buat masa sekarang
i hold on to this .. klu sesuatu tu memang dah ditetapkan menjadi milik kita, ia akan kembali
sooner or later

maybe there are things that will never improve the way we want it to be
and there are also things that will never be yours
just hold to what Allah grant you
and be thankful
keep praying for the things you want, 
maybe one fine day 
its your turn for your prayer to be answered.

mar d
berdoa untuk Mesir dan umat islam seluruh dunia

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The First Morning

Assalamualaikum wbt.
It is the first morning of Ramadhan.
I'm going to fly back home this evening.
Just finished packing and cleaning my room.
Gotta have some sleep and charge my laptop battery.
InsyaAllah, going to spend quite a long period of transit in Doha tonight.
Pray for a smooth and safe journey.

Ramadhan Kareem <3

Tag from aliaamirah :)

50 things that can make me happy right about now

1- ikhwanul muslimin get their right back
2- flying back home
5-passed the  final exam
6-makan-makan with my siblings
7-to be in the Kelisa's passenger seat (accompany my sister while she drive)
8-tomyam sedap
9-dark chocolate
10-going out with mom and dad
11- konvoi balik kampung
13-new book/novel
14-Chili's appetizer
15-my friends laughter
16-hang out with my housemates
17-homemade sushi by syurrun
18-one golden hour (almost) of domestic flight to Terengganu
21-my new baju kurung
22-mom's cooking
23-fresh laundry
24-keropok lekor
25-getting mail
26-my home sweet home
27-renovation at my uni finally finished (if ..)
28-be at the top of a mountain
29-air terjun
30-visit my brother
31-tokmak's nasi beriyani
32-tokmak's cooking (again)
33-tokmak's hot milo (always make me feel like a spoiled cucu, hee)
34-someone to say motivating stuffs about being a doctor
35-doa y dimakbulkan
36-surprise visit to najah's school
37-noor suraya's collab novel CLDO
40-tofu fah
41-scribble in the notebook
42-a new shirt
43-food hunting/pasar malam
45-family vacation
46-biskut raya
47-ikan patin masak tempoyak
49-summer break

most of them are food
I'm not surprised.
9 months is a long period to wait patiently. Wee~

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Room Cleaning and Ramadhan Resolutions

Assalamu'alaikum wbt ^^

I cleaned my fan blade .. and casings too. 
Now it feels like the beach breeze is blowing in my room.

I am about to clean my mess in the room. 

Gotta bring out my big blue luggage.
Do the laundry and everything.

I believe that the exam will still take place on Tuesday. So I shall continue my reading and keep updated with the latest notice.

Ramadhan will be here soon. 
Absorbing the spirit of Ramadhan. 
List a few things that I wanna achieve during Ramadhan.

It is a great month of blessing and opportunity to make changes of yourself. 

Do not let this opportunity slips away. 

Do you know why Ramadhan can be the best time to make changes in you? This is how it works. As all the pahala that you get when performing amal soleh during Ramadhan is double fold, so does the effects.

(quoted from Ust Azam from his talk on Azam Ramadhan last night ^^)

Awesome right ?

and for the girls, surely we will have the time when we can't fast, but do not worry, we also get the same amount of pahala with other people who fast for the whole month. 
This is because we obey Allah's order for not to fast during the menstruation.

We perform the obligation for the sake of Allah. That is the most important thing.

Even if you can't fast, read the Quran or perform your solah,
don't be sad, there are other ways to gain pahala and benefits of Ramadhan
you can cook and prepare food for the fasting people,
zikr and bersedekah :)

So here's to me myself and I :)
Lets have a productive Ramadhan.

You can do this ! May Allah bless :)

mar d 
temukan kami dengan Ramadhan. ameen.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt :)

I hope you are having a great day today.
Our oral exam was postponed and we received the email notice 3 minutes before 1 o'clock.
*or is it 12 pm at midnight ?

we were barely finished with our last prep for the oral exam when I logged into Facebook and found out that the exam was cancelled and the people were going crazy about it.
*and we actually found out about it 30 minutes afterwards

massive shock, but we're fine.
at least we have another day to prepare ourselves

We really hope for the exam not to be extended. *ameen
Most of our colleagues are flying back either on the day of the exam or the very next day after exam.
*and I am one of the lucky fellows

so this is how it feel when your exam is cancelled 

mar d

Sunday, June 30, 2013


Masa seperti membeku.
cuma berbaki 10 hari (atau kurang ?)

tapi rasa macam sebulan lamanya.

Ya Allah permudahkanlah urusan kami.
Berkatilah kami di bulan Syaaban, dan temukan kami dengan Ramadhan :)

mar d
work your Anatomy brain out !

Thursday, June 13, 2013

goodreads for the avid readers ^^ coool

 Lets meet my new friend, goodreads .

Assalamualaikum and a very good evening ! (22.47 pm) Huu.

I was struggling to focus so I think I just need some time to have fun.
(Read : Surfing internet)

and guess what I found.
My new love : goodreads :)

I'm pretty much sure that the apps is popular enough among avid readers.
Just now, when I'm checking out goodreads on Fb, 

I found out that there are like 9 to 10 of my friends using this. 
(and probably they sign in using Fb account so that it is stated  there)

Another way to say this is that maybe there are a lot more people who currently diving into goodreads to ' Meet their next favourite book'.

(the website tagline is 'Meet your next favourite book.') 
I really love it. It strucks right through you. *drama queen* ;)

Curious to meet my new favourite. 

I have certain preference when it comes to choose a book.
This start not long ago.

As far as I remember I used to read anything that I feel like it.

But nowadays, I may be a little bit picky. Hee.
The book must be interesting enough, nice cover, not too thick, blaa blaa..

( I seldom pick random book nowadays)

With not much pastime that I have right now, I become lazy to read.
This syndrome have its on and off season btw. 

*humans are dynamics*

However, Alhamdulillah 

I still have the enthusiasm,
checking what book is good and whats not from time to time.

and not to forget, the updates on my favourite authors. 
(I don't want to miss a chance checking on what kind of story they wrote in the book they just released )

But still picky . Huu.

When I read something, even if I read it and reach the ending ...

in between
I may jump at certain parts or just read speedily.

but if the book really capture me, my heart and I just sink into the story and 
at that very moment don't ever call my name. I won't even budge. Huu.

I hate it and love it at the same time.
Reading can be another awesome escapism other than travelling and etc.
It put me in a vacation mode flying far away from the reality.
(books tell us the story of people we never be)

That is why I love it.
but I hate it for the way it stole my focus, deviating it from the core thing that I need to face in front of me.

Sometime a book is doing you a favor.
It linked you to another good book,
and your reading experience is branching just like this tree
An expanding world of thoughts.

Remember life is all about choices.
Choose carefully and you still can keep doing what you love with your heart at ease.
If only you made the right choice.
May Allah guide us all along.

*shall join goodreads later. (the next thing in my summer to do list)

** should strive hard and study well. next paper on 17th of June.
*** they are flying to Sydney tonight for Big bro graduation day. 
Huaaa, wanna come along.  :(

mar d
believe in the power of the present to colour your future
take the past as the values that will define you (lessons that you learnt)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I need a plan.
and I need it to be done greatly.

I need to read more, read fast and read effectively.
I neeed  Allah to accomplish everything.

I am

in need of your doa too :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I should bellyaching about everything that stressed me out.
Wanna hear about it ?
Its already 8 hours passed a paper.
Let just clean the bedroom, relax and sleep tight. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Random # 7

kamu ingin memberi orang lain kesedaran untuk berharap, 
melihat bahawasanya masih ada sinar harapan 
tetapi kamu jugalah yang harus bertahan ditongkah arus cabaran, 
dan sikap yang bertentangan pada permulaannya.

#dare to dream #spread the ideas #a change, today

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt :)
Good evening !

Taklama lg paper first akan stat.
Petang2 camni take time skjp nak share pasal ni.

Hemm. Jom.
Terjun sebentar ke dalam dunia kesihatan negara asing.

Ada satu drama ni, 2 episode je.
Very short. Pasal doctors-hospital-society.
Very interesting indeed.
Here you go !

cerita ni agak lambat perkembangan dia, so masa tengok tu sebnarnya banyak je lompat2 part yang lembap. Huhu.

Subjek yang paling buat aku teruja dlm cerita ini adalah fakta betapa Jepun dihuni oleh segolongan orang tua.
Ia dijangka untuk berterusan sehingga tempoh yang tak diketahui. 

I mean selagi diorg tak alter apa-apa undang kelahiran atau kadar pertambahan penduduk. Or maybe tiba-tiba org Jepun neglect diorg punya healthy life style. Haha. 
Until then, mmg Jepun akan dipenuhi elders.

So baby steps need to be taken to improve their conditions and be prepare for anything that may take place in the future.

and I like that young doctor's spirit.

and I wonder, can we apply the Doctor-Heli system in Malaysia.
That will be super convenient.

and I love Kyokuhoku. A very beautiful place I must say. SubhanAllah.

Hope that I can visit Kyokuhoku one day, InsyaAllah :)

*wanna write some more but I have reading to be done plus MCQs and Essay questions that need my attention ;)

mar d
life must go on
Ganbatte ne !

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Menuju Allah.

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

Aku selalu terfikir akan persoalan ini, tetapi tidak pernah menemui jawapan yang jelas.

Ini dipetik dari kalam Syeikh Habib. Beliau datang ke Kaherah dan mengadakan pengajian di masjid Azhar untuk beberapa hari. 

Malam tadi kelasnya yang terakhir, dan aku hanya berkesempatan mengikutinya sekali cuma.

Ingin menatap muka keturunan Rasulullah. Kalau mahu tunggu peluang ke Yaman, entah bila lagi. Peluang sudah terhidang di depan mata. Masjid Azhar pun cuma 10 genih away dr Sayeda Zainab. Huhu.

Alhamdulillah sampai juga. Sangat ramai hadirin yang hadir. Lebih ramai berbanding kelas-kelas yang pernah ku ikuti sebelum ini. 

Pelbagai bangsa dan pelbagai lapisan umur.
Kalau Makcik-makcik Arab tu siap bawak anak-anak lagi.

Ada beberapa muka junior sekolah tapi tak sempat tegur sebab takut terpisah dengan ahli beit. Susah pulak nanti. Nak rebut tempat lagi. Huhu.

"Penghalang untuk sampai kepada Allah adalah tidak berakhlak mulia
dan penghalang untuk kita berperibadi mulia adalah tiada keinginan berbuat baik, 
dan penghalang untuk berkeinginan baik adalah kelemahan iman
dan punca lemahnya iman adalah ketiadaan bimbingan dan pengingat serta penasihat yang mengingatkan akan kehinaan dunia dan keagungan akhirat dan kekekalannya."

Sangat menikam jiwa.

Kalam Syeikh ini diterjemahkan oleh ustaz (tak igt nama) dan disebarkan di FB.
Al maklum je lah, masa pergi tu pun aku tak faham sangat syarahannnya.

Last2 tu pulak dah mula mengantuk. Huuu memanglaah.

Ni poin-poin lain yang turut diambil dari syarahan beliau di bawah tajuk Syarat dan Tahap Al Murid Menuju Allah:

>> 4 Hijab yang menghalang antara dirinya dengan Allah adalah:

1] Harta
2] Kedudukan, pangkat dan kemasyhuran
3] Taqlid buta dan fanatik
4] Maksiat

>>Kita perlu bersungguh-sungguh dalam bertaubat dan menjauhi dosa, barangsiapa yang tidak memperbaiki taubatnya dan bersungguh-sungguh, lalu ingin meneroka rahsia-rahsia agama Allah, umpama orang yang ingin mengetahui rahsia dan hikmah Al-Quran tanpa mengetahui bahasa arab.
Maka perlu untuk kita utamakan bahasa, baru meningkat kepada rahsia makna-makna, begitu juga dalam tazkiyah, kita perlu untuk perbaiki ilmu dan amalan syari'at, baru meningkat kepada rahsia-rahsia dan hikmahnya..

>>Setelah berjaya menebas 4 hijab tersebut, ia menjadi seperti seorang yang telah berwudhu' dan bersedia untuk solat, maka ia perlukan seseorang menjadi imamnya untuk diikuti, dialah guru pembimbing.

>>Sesiapa yang tiada guru yang membimbingnya maka syaitan akan membawanya ke jalan-jalannya yang keji..

>>Setelah mendapatkan syeikh, guru murobbi yang membimbingnya, ia perlu menguatkan perisai dirinya dengan melatih diri dengan 4 rukun riadhah(sukan/latihan) rohani:

1] Lapar(Kurangkan makan/makan sekadar keperluan)
2] Berjaga malam(kurangkan tidur, banyakkan ibadah)
3] Banyak berdiam diri(kurangkan perkara tiada faedah)
4] Al-Khalwah(Bersendiri dengan Allah/kurangkan berinteraksi dengan orang ramai)
*Begitu juga di alam maya FB dan Twitter kurangkanlah online dengan makhluk, screen, komputer, handphone dll, dan perbanyakkan 'online' dengan Allah.

-Kita biasakan diri dengan 4 perkara ini dan mengawalnya sekadar keperluan.

>>Setelah latihan tersebut, ia perlu mula bersuluk dengan menjaga akhlaknya serta menjauhi dan mengelakkan diri dari rintangan hawa nafsu dan kekejian hati.

>>Kemudian guru pembimbingnya akan menjadikannya melazimi zikrullah di dalam hati serta konsisten dengannya hingga walau lidahnya tidak bergerak, hatinya sentiasa berzikir sehingga zikir-zikir itu benar-benar teguh di dalam hatinya dan menguasai jiwa. Lalu jiwanya sentiasa bersama Allah.

Sepanjang ceramah beliau, kerapkali beliau menadah tangan berdoa, dan kami beramai-ramai turut mengaminkannya bersama.
Tidak jauh dihadapan ku berdiri seorang perempuan Arab muda sedang menyeka airmatanya. Tersentuh barangkali.

" Beruntungnya makcik ni. Mesti dia paham apa yang Syeikh doakan. Apalagi kata-kata beliau ", getus hati kecilku.

Sahabatku berkata, " Memangla hari-hari kita berdoa, tapi mesti beza kan darjat doa tu dengan doa para ulama' ".
Ku iyakan saja. Muhasabah diri sebentar.

Perjalanan pulang, teksi melintas dihadapan Bukit Mukhattam dan Qal'ah Salehuddin Al-Ayubi.
Laluan ini kurang sibuknya berbanding laluan pulang ke Sayeda Zainab melalui Babul Khalq.

Angin malam Kaherah menyapa pipi. 

Dingin, walaupun soifi sudah menghampiri.
Suasana dalam teksi senyap sepanjang perjalanan pulang ke Sayeda Zainab.
Semua membisu melayan perasaan.

Aku lemparkan pandangan ke luar tingkap.
Merenung langit dan bintang.

Maha Suci Allah.

*Sudah lama tidak menghapdet blog
banyak yg nak ditulis tapi ... Exam Physiology written menjelang Sabtu ini. Doakan agar dapat jawab dengan baik !

mar d

menbilang hari 

Friday, April 12, 2013

....Touch The Sky

kadang-kadang kita rasa sedih nak lepaskan sesuatu huhu
walaupun pada mulanya memang kita yang beria-ia nak lepaskan

harapnya saya sudah jalankan segala yang termampu

wanna share this with y'all
tergelak baca salah stu komen ttg video ni
lebih kurang cmni bunyinya
'everytime I listen to this song I feel like I wanna get up and do something huge...but then continue to study calculus' :p

well for me, everytime I listen to this song I feel better :) 

May Peace be upon you

mar d
chase the wind and touch the sky ~

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Random # 6

I love this quote from Laskar Pelangi.
We watch it together last 2 weeks, rent a projector, potluck etc.
and have so much fun.

The film really inspired me like it inspired many other people in this world.

Kalau mahu pandai, belajar.
Kalau mahu berhasil, usaha.

I even wrote it big on paper and paste it on my 'meja jepun' .

the equation is simple.

I just need to fix that in my mind and get myself working. Yosh !
Good day !

of Pray

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

Berakhir sudah praktikal physiology :) Alhamdulillah :)

minggu ni Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar. Allah permudahkan semuanya.

I believe that Allah's gift sometimes are the answer for your past prayers.

Maybe this is Allah's answer to me.
I got the highest mark for MNS quiz. It was just an assesment by our lecturer as we are finishing our course soon. She promised us that the one who succeeded in getting the highest mark will be rewarded.

Me myself never thought that I will able to do that !
I mean, in my class there are this bunch of friends that are wayyy better than me.

I consider myself lucky as Allah moved my heart to read and try the essay questions in past year book.
Alhamdulillah. because I know if it was not for that I wont be able to answer the Qs.

I take this as a challenge and an indicator for me to try harder, study harder..
I know I don't really master MNS like my friends even after I score the test.
Because I still cannot link every MNS thingy that I learn either in Physiology or other subjects.
And I tend to forget certain concepts.There are weak points but I will try to improve my understanding.

I find MNS, Neuro etc interesting in its own way but still too complicated for me at times.

I hope InsyaAllah I will be able to maintain my spirit high, to STUDY and FOCUS even during hard times.
The exam is around the corner and I should plan well.
Semoga Allah kurniakan kekuatan untuk menghadapi hari-hari mendatang.

Remember if you are fail to plan you are plan to fail.
Plan well peeps. 

p/s : I even have rough plan of what to do during summer <3  ^^  vacay-food hunting-family time.

mar d
Keep praying and belajar hikmah dari setiap kejadian. 

Sunday, March 31, 2013


May be surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh, I miss you, you know

Another aeroplane
Another sunny place
I’m lucky, I know
But I wanna go home

Michael Bubble, Home

Homesickness sudah, 
insyaAllah tiket bakal ku beli
Struggle utk final habis-habisan. Cabaran makin besar.
Exam berderet.

Ya Allah permudahkanlah segala urusan kami.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Kembali Bercahaya - Booster

Assalamualaikum :)

setelah berlalu drama sebabak dua sejurus selepas result mid year diumumkan
here I come
teringat satu kata-kata yg tertempek kat bilik Tia masa form 5.
lebih kurang camni bunyinye
the lower u fall, the higher you will bounce....
asalkan makna sampai ;)

sangat bersyukur adanya midyear sebagai indikator
at least u get the picture
adakah method study tak betul
tahap kefahaman belum sampai tahap gaban
tak cukup latihan
etc etc etc

walaupun result tak gempak,
tapi saya melihat ini sebagai ruang untuk penambahbaikan

on top of that
saya dapat input-input sempurna (baca;perfect) lagi berguna from prog Booster tadi ;

-kita mesti belajar mencintai apa yang kita dapat, dan bukan hanya ingin mendapatkan apa yang kita cintai

-kata kerja untuk pelajar ialah BELAJAR ! (jangan malas noh)

-tak semua orang mampu untuk mumtaz, tapi semua orang mampu jadi rajin, 
 dan rajin itu sifat orang berjaya

-jangan pernah putus asa, teruskan usaha sebab usaha itu wasilah untuk kita capai ghayah (tujuan).

-tuntutlah ilmu agar penuh di dada, kerana ilmu itu fii sudur wa laa fi kutub.

-jangan pernah ada rasa inferior, sebab inferior itu boleh jadi ego.

-mesti stimulate semua orang untuk study

-jangan  terlalu bersifat bersaing sampai competitiveness kita tu memakan diri 

-banyakkan buat perkara amal taat, supaya hidayah sampai ....the cycle keep going sampai hati kita sentiasa
 dalam keadaan bersih.... so mudah ilmu nak masuk

-kurangkan perkara lagha

-selalu termotivasi dengan alam sekeliling, cth; masyarakat yg hidup miskin dan susah, serta tak dapat belajar
 tinggi-tinggi, kurang peluang pendidikan

-bersyukur dengan apa yang Allah kurniakan

-niat ibadah, menuntut ilmu kerana Allah

-think positive 

-bersangka baik dengan Allah

-fokus dalam kelas, insyaAllah ada keberkatan

-komunikasi, sharing, interact dengan rakan-rakan

-banyakkan berdoa dan amalkan selawat (the ultimate support system, mintalah pada Allah)

-biarlah kita menjadi orang yang dekat dengan Allah yg mana tinggi darjatnya ke langit, 
kerna dengan itu kita akan melihat dunia itu kecil dan remeh dan akhirat itu besar
jangan jadi orang yang jauh dari Allah,melihat dunia ini hal utama, dan akhirat itu remeh. 
Na'udzubillahi min zalik.

my check list
1-to do and don't 
2-study plan
3-exercise plan
4-strategy X

mar d
penuntut sekolah kehidupan

Monday, March 4, 2013

Morning !

if you don't try you'll never fly :)


Harini tengok pancreas nampak lebih besar, kenapa ye ?
mungkin sbb body ni body baru, still slimy..eww
pancreas yg tgok last week dkat body lama sikit.. kecut

so conclusion.. pancreas tu memang kecik takdele sebesar liver hatta stomach
yeke ?
state kat web, panjang dia 12 inches.
maklumat lanjut . . .
hehe, jemput tanya che google :)

as for me jemput gali buku2 teks.
dlm buku sameh doss anatomy ada kot.

mar d
saya rajin !

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Alhamdulillah :)

Pos tertangguh jumaat lepas. . . . heee

May peace be upon you !

Yesterday in the Anatomy lab, we learn about duodenum and its relation to pancreas. When we checked out the structure on the body, I found that the pancreas is super-small about half of my palm (if you make a line connecting the root of the middle finger to the wrist)

Recently we studied diabetes, CHO metabolism and lipid metabolism in Biochem and just yesterday we finished our pancreas course in Physiology. Not forget to mention we also have learned pancreas in Histology last semester. 

In Biochem,mainly in the 3 main topics that I mentioned above, the importance of pancreas in human is well explained. There are 'thousand' of pathway that are affected by insulin secretion thus somehow give it a control to our body as insulin regulates them. 

That tiny little organ is the only organ that secrete Insulin to control the glucose level of our body. 
If the pancreas become exhausted as hyperglycemia is prolonged (as in diabetes) Insulin secretion will be impaired and you loss your main system of maintaining your blood glucose. 
That little buddy is off form his job and the situation will be out of control due to many complications.

Our body depends on glucostasis to maintain our blood glucose in a range,
if hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia occur either severe or acute, complications will take place.

SubhanAllah, even our body is arranged to be very moderate, 
what about us ?

when Rasulullah did advice us to 'bersederhana dalam kehidupan ini.' 

Sabda Rasulullah,
'Hiduplah engkau di dunia seperti seorang perantau atau musafir lalu'
(Hadis riwayat Imam Bukhari)

Yes! as a traveller 
who is just passing by in this 'dunia' during his ultimate journey,
who does not always be in comfort-zone, 
who always struggle to find the right way to reach his destination 
which is redha Allah di akhirat sana.

That little pancreas is one of Allah's given nikmat.
Maka nikmat Tuhan kamu yang manakah kamu dustakan? 
(ar-Rahman 55:13)

so treat your pancreas well :)
Alhamdulillah atas nikmat sihat ini.
Na'udzubillah dari marabahaya.

Jumuah barokah everyone !
off to Bahnasa tonight.

mar d
gathering my courage ;)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Raa Rae

you will be fine
you just lose your way of doing things
you just need to gain consciousness
one more try
and you will be back
on that right path

you inspired me too
remind me about that situation that I used to be in
acting all fun and joy
chin up
and stand a little taller

you just mapped your own path
and walk thru
past matures you
future excites you
you know what you really want to
achieve or do
doesn't matter how to

you will find your way


standing here
looking forward

get that feeling
to take further steps

ahh, I now see
grab my backpack filled with strength
new spirit cap on top of my head

breath in
breath out

its new term, lets kick it !

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

its funny to look at your own pelvis x ray.
thinking y it looks so small..

be strong !

mar d
Alhamdulillah :")

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Borong Buku ^^

Hasil tangkapan Cairo International Book Fair 2013 :) 
hajatnya masih banyak buku yang nak dicari, tapi sebab dah pening bersesak-sesak
plus perut pun dah lapar, lupakan saja hasrat murni tuh.. huhu
paling penting, beli apa yang kita betul-betul akan baca. tak membazir.

1) Healing body n soul by Amira Ayyad
buku ni insyaAllah mmg sgt membantu..about physical n mental health.. siap explain pasal food n fruits yg ada manfaat utk tubuh badan lengkap dgn hadis n ayat Quran..mknn sunnah etc.. satu buku ni compile everything you wanna know.. about health n explaination dia mmg ringkas n santai..
seniors pun byk y baca the other buku dr Amira Ayad which is The True Secrets. 

2) The best of me
The best buy of the day, dengan hanya 50 le = rm 23.13
wpun tak tau best ke tak tapi sbb penulis dia selalu berjaya tulis buku2 bestseller :)

3) Arabic english visual dictionary

Kamus bergambar bahasa Arab fushah, sgt bermanfaat insyaAllah. very practical for educational n learning purposes :)

baca jangan tak baca ;)

mar d
happy reading !

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Seminar #PWtC '13

apa pun yang kita lakukan niatkan utk mencari redha Allah
hanya dengan redha Allah kita akan memperoleh syurga Nya..

jadi cik kak,  'tinggalkanlah sesuatu kerana Allah, dan lakukanlah sesuatu kerana Allah '
(I done this today, so I can do it in the future too ! )

pasti ada hikmah yang Allah letakkan di situ untukmu :)

semoga dapat terus mengislah diri yang hina dina ini..
to become a better muslimah insya Allah..
even small steps can make a difference ..

*Alhamdulillah selesai sudah seminar PERUBATAN the fifth entitled 5 stars Muslim Professionals.
Bersyukur kerana terpilih mengikutinya utk tahun ini.. Sehingga bertemu di tahun hadapan..
Semoga ilmu yang dikutip dr para penyampai khas PAPISMA tersemat dan terlaksana oleh diri ini.

Open yourself to challenges-be positive-trust yourself-

opportunities are everywhere-look at the bright side-blue ocean strategy-

be different-the ocean is vast, open up to the new dimension-

take note
#ambil tahu sebnyak yg mungkin ttg apa yang bakal dilalui mulai sekarang supaya, you know what will you face thru, it is an advantage.
Berjalan dalam gelap tanpa cahaya tak membantu ,okey !
do read about healthcare policies, birocracy, salary levels, masters program, hospital systems, housemanship process, non clinical unexplored sectors, etc

#do what a med student do best, Read a lot !

do the best out of everything :)

mar  d
aim high fly high

Friday, January 18, 2013

to Jordan

off to Jordan :) -naik feri dr Nuwaiba'-
doakan kami berjaulah dengan selamat :)
terima kasih !

*ust ada post mcm link2 pasal Jordan, tapi aku baca gitu-gitu je, tu pun sbb nak kenal nama2 tempat yang disebut dalam jadual perjalanan.. sobs..

mar d
Jordan here I come ^^

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

After Exam Outing ; Toscanini

Jangan tanya sbb apa keluar makan !
stress tau musim exam ni.

 the HM

Musim exam la ada masa nak keluar makan, kalau minggu-minggu biasa, weekend akan dipenuhi dengan kebimbangan kalau-kalau tak cukup masa study sebab kuiz tiap-tiap minggu.
Salah siapa ?
Hehe, so sekali sekala kitorang keluarla makan sama-sama :)

Y Toscanini ?
Sugesstion orang. Lagipun semua org dah tired of kiwi and spectra.

Kalau ikut hati nak makan Nasi Yemen je tau. Mengidam Nasi Yemen dah berapa minggu ni :'(

Melangkah penuh bergaya HM bertekad untuk mencapai Mumtaz dan lebih afdhalnya Imtiyaz utk tahun 2013. 

I know I cannot do this alone, sebab selalu je tenggelam dalam dunia sendiri.
Huh, kalau tengok orang sekeliling study, memang rasa inferior gila.
Tapi thats exactly y kita kena ada cerminan.
Refleksi diri melalui observasi ke atas orang lain :)

Kawan itu kan cerminan diri kita. 
Dia boleh beritahu kita apa y takkan pernah kita nampak kewujudannnya pada diri kita sendiri.
Amazing kan ?

T.T  and I hope I am brave enough to face the mirror.

*Someone will be coming home for good. 
Well, the day will also come for me to do so.
Maybe it seems very far away, but I had been dreaming the same thing before, and as the years passed by, you will not even realize that the moment has finally come. 

** Saying good bye -teen, hello -ty in 2013. I guess I should behave like a real growing up now. ;)
No more of 'cannot put all my acts together' scenes. Haha. Just saying.

*** Resolutions ? Should work on it right now. 
I have a few things in mind since Maal Hijrah. Yet, I don't really write them all down.

last week
German Apple Cake - birthday Us - the third GAC in a week.

mar d :
pray for me, Anatomy paper is coming soon and I'm terrified already T___T