Saturday, February 9, 2013

Raa Rae

you will be fine
you just lose your way of doing things
you just need to gain consciousness
one more try
and you will be back
on that right path

you inspired me too
remind me about that situation that I used to be in
acting all fun and joy
chin up
and stand a little taller

you just mapped your own path
and walk thru
past matures you
future excites you
you know what you really want to
achieve or do
doesn't matter how to

you will find your way


standing here
looking forward

get that feeling
to take further steps

ahh, I now see
grab my backpack filled with strength
new spirit cap on top of my head

breath in
breath out

its new term, lets kick it !

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

its funny to look at your own pelvis x ray.
thinking y it looks so small..

be strong !

mar d
Alhamdulillah :")

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Borong Buku ^^

Hasil tangkapan Cairo International Book Fair 2013 :) 
hajatnya masih banyak buku yang nak dicari, tapi sebab dah pening bersesak-sesak
plus perut pun dah lapar, lupakan saja hasrat murni tuh.. huhu
paling penting, beli apa yang kita betul-betul akan baca. tak membazir.

1) Healing body n soul by Amira Ayyad
buku ni insyaAllah mmg sgt membantu..about physical n mental health.. siap explain pasal food n fruits yg ada manfaat utk tubuh badan lengkap dgn hadis n ayat Quran..mknn sunnah etc.. satu buku ni compile everything you wanna know.. about health n explaination dia mmg ringkas n santai..
seniors pun byk y baca the other buku dr Amira Ayad which is The True Secrets. 

2) The best of me
The best buy of the day, dengan hanya 50 le = rm 23.13
wpun tak tau best ke tak tapi sbb penulis dia selalu berjaya tulis buku2 bestseller :)

3) Arabic english visual dictionary

Kamus bergambar bahasa Arab fushah, sgt bermanfaat insyaAllah. very practical for educational n learning purposes :)

baca jangan tak baca ;)

mar d
happy reading !