Friday, April 12, 2013

....Touch The Sky

kadang-kadang kita rasa sedih nak lepaskan sesuatu huhu
walaupun pada mulanya memang kita yang beria-ia nak lepaskan

harapnya saya sudah jalankan segala yang termampu

wanna share this with y'all
tergelak baca salah stu komen ttg video ni
lebih kurang cmni bunyinya
'everytime I listen to this song I feel like I wanna get up and do something huge...but then continue to study calculus' :p

well for me, everytime I listen to this song I feel better :) 

May Peace be upon you

mar d
chase the wind and touch the sky ~

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Random # 6

I love this quote from Laskar Pelangi.
We watch it together last 2 weeks, rent a projector, potluck etc.
and have so much fun.

The film really inspired me like it inspired many other people in this world.

Kalau mahu pandai, belajar.
Kalau mahu berhasil, usaha.

I even wrote it big on paper and paste it on my 'meja jepun' .

the equation is simple.

I just need to fix that in my mind and get myself working. Yosh !
Good day !

of Pray

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

Berakhir sudah praktikal physiology :) Alhamdulillah :)

minggu ni Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar. Allah permudahkan semuanya.

I believe that Allah's gift sometimes are the answer for your past prayers.

Maybe this is Allah's answer to me.
I got the highest mark for MNS quiz. It was just an assesment by our lecturer as we are finishing our course soon. She promised us that the one who succeeded in getting the highest mark will be rewarded.

Me myself never thought that I will able to do that !
I mean, in my class there are this bunch of friends that are wayyy better than me.

I consider myself lucky as Allah moved my heart to read and try the essay questions in past year book.
Alhamdulillah. because I know if it was not for that I wont be able to answer the Qs.

I take this as a challenge and an indicator for me to try harder, study harder..
I know I don't really master MNS like my friends even after I score the test.
Because I still cannot link every MNS thingy that I learn either in Physiology or other subjects.
And I tend to forget certain concepts.There are weak points but I will try to improve my understanding.

I find MNS, Neuro etc interesting in its own way but still too complicated for me at times.

I hope InsyaAllah I will be able to maintain my spirit high, to STUDY and FOCUS even during hard times.
The exam is around the corner and I should plan well.
Semoga Allah kurniakan kekuatan untuk menghadapi hari-hari mendatang.

Remember if you are fail to plan you are plan to fail.
Plan well peeps. 

p/s : I even have rough plan of what to do during summer <3  ^^  vacay-food hunting-family time.

mar d
Keep praying and belajar hikmah dari setiap kejadian.