Tuesday, July 31, 2012


menonton Inside di saluran 553.
sesak dada dibuatnya.
tak dapat bayangkan 7 tahun di Guantanamo tanpa pengadilan.
tak dapat bayangkan 7 tahun tak bertemu ahli keluarga sanak saudara.

tapi masih mendayu azan subuh di Guantanamo, memberi kekuatan pada jiwa yang disapa.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Keputusan Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun 1 GEN11US


bersyukur tak terhingga :)
Wpun bukan mumtaz, JJ pun dah sangat bersyukur.
(yelah, kalau usaha pun tak seberapa macam mana nak dpt mumtaz ;)

nak capai mumtaz inshaAllah untuk exam seterusnya !!
ambil pengajaran dan manfaatkan pengalaman tahun 1
percayalah, rahmat Allah itu luas
peluang yang telah diberi,
jangan dipersia :)
peringatan untuk diri sendiri B)

Ya Allah kurniakan kekentalan jiwa dan ketabahan hati diiringi kekuatan iman untuk kami terus berlari.

mar d
kick the hesitation, wanna run free

Berat Badan Ideal ? (",)

May peace be upon you guys.
and salam Ramadhan :)

Few weeks at home, berat badan menurun sebanyak TIGA kg. Arghh.
Tatau la kenapa. Sekarang berat aku 44 kg.. rekod terendah sepanjang 5 tahun.. agaknyalah.
Tapi aku happy je duduk rumah. 
Konklusinya, berat badan turun bukan bermaksud tak bahagia 
dan kalau berat badan bertambah bukan semestinya sebab orang tuh tersangatlah bahagia.. 
haha. stress pun boleh buat org kuat makan tau.

Sebenarnya bimbang jugak berat turun teramat. Huhu..
akan terus cuba kawal makan, biar makan banyak 
tapi kurang makan yg minyak2, goreng2, manis2 tuh sume.
Berat normal kat rumah biasanya 45 kg, dan di asrama dan  Mesir biasanya 47.
Paling tinggi 50kg kalau time sekolah dulu2. 
mana taknya dewan makan punya makanan sedap gilaaaaaa, makan pulak 6 kali sehari. Memang laah..

Apa pun y penting JAGA KESIHATAN ! 
minum banyak air, sayur buah jgn tinggal dan kurma pun.. Heee

Manfaatkan Ramadhan sebaiknya.

mar d
Selamat berpuasa :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Kecuakannnnn Tahap Giga

Result kawan-kawan Azhar & ASU sudah diumumkan.
Tidak mahu berputus asa, harus terus berdoa..
Cuak huhuuu

Semoga dikurniakan keputusan peperiksaan yang bagus utk semua GEN11US , the best gift for holiday ^^
InsyaAllah :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Di Abu Dhabi ^^

May peace be upon you..

diri ini dalam musafir ingin pulang ke tanah air tercinta
banyak dugaan yang dilalui
memang betul2 menguji kesabaran

sape kata balik senang? ahaha
mgkin ni baru kali kedua aku naik flight.
so it was super-uncomfortable...

sekarang tgh transit di abu dhabi, 4 jam kot.
tapi okey je,
sebab ada wifi
and tempat menunggu yg selesa
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah alaa kulli haal
Wpun byk benda yang aku telah sedang dan akan lalui
sepanjang dua hari perjalanan pulang (dua hari kau ?!)
tapi aku tahu apa pun yang terjadi ada hikmahnya
risau, nervous, takut, cuak, penat, letih
apa pun yang kau takutkan atau bimbangkan
doalah pada Allah
Dia yang Maha Mengetahui M

Monday, July 9, 2012

Dinner GEN11us ^^

sleep well, tomorrow you will be one very busy bee :)
yes, tomorrow is the night
I still have problem to decide which tudung I want to wear.(shawl/ square hijab)
Hate this . Urgh.

I think I shall just grab one of them 10 min before leaving the house. Haha. 

What I really want is a peaceful, enjoyable night on the ship restaurant - El Saraya
Feeling the breeze of windy night by the Nile River
Sitting and chatting in my most comfortable way, and my (hopefully) comfortable dress.
Thats y I don't wanna dress up in something too outrageous than my usual style
I wanna be comfortable enough too move around.

Lets enjoy the night. GEN11us forever !

* * * * *
heee, few more things and I'm done.
I'm flying back home in less than a week ;) TEEHEE

Dinner - tomorrow night
House Chores + Unfinished Business + Cleaning
Packing .. more and more
and  Fly away ~~ !

Huuuuuray !!

May Allah bless,
may we reach home 
safe and sound biidznillah :)

mar d

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Suddenly I See .. (It is just the matter of time)

May peace be upon you :)

Today is an epic day.

I got a phone call.

Someone came to my house with surprisingly awesome yet unexpected wish.

someone try to ring the bell.
hit the red button.
kick start the cycle.
whatever you called it

This is one serious business I thought.
Then, it hit me.
If this is going to happen. Soon.
I should be prepared. Me, myself.
As in taking responsibilities.
Well, I'm taking responsibilities, but not in total.
As a middle child you live the life with less things to be worried about.
Because you have the elder siblings that will handle the situation and save the day.

This is fast.
I really don't ever expect something like this will come up in this time being.
I mean, there are no hints dropped.
I guess life is nothing but surprise.

Okay, lets move on to the next phase.
The accept-this-as-reality phase is done.

The next phase.
Think about what will I be in the future.
Changes. Can I handle this?

Will it be sooner or later?
How am I going to react?

In conclusion,
I know that
I'm willing to help, with everything I can.
Advice or solutions.
I will suggest the best that I can came up with.

I will support the decision made.
Although, I will be sad to stay apart.
Somehow that is life.
We are all sisters and we are always be there for each other.

Even if there is probability that it will not going to be so soon, I'm still thinking that the best thing to do right now is to be totally prepared. 

Plus, I must be there, I want to get involved. 
This is GREAT ! B)
I'm truly excited.

‎"..... boleh jadi kamu benci tentang sesuatu padahal ia baik bagi kamu, 
dan boleh jadi kamu suka sesuatu padahal ia buruk bagi kamu 
dan (ingatlah) , Allah jualah yang mengetahui (semuanya itu) , 
sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya "

( Al-Baqarah : 216 )

mar d
counting days

7th of July

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Never judge a book by its cover !
Never ever ever !

or you'll regret it.
Damn much.

Sometimes I don't want to jump into conclusions but the conclusions were shoved into my face 
I know that somehow, I misjudged you.
I know very well that people come in diversity and thousands variations.

so I shouldn't (as in should never ?) put a label on a person without further steps of knowing her/him.
Don't you think?

just saying

#Mer...... jom jerit ...deka lepas paper English !  ;)

mar d