Wednesday, March 26, 2014

with Dr. Hoda Helmy

Good evening !!! :)

Today is our last class with Dr Hoda Helmy. :(
She has been very very nice to us and always give her lecture in a very interesting and understandable manner.

One rule to remember, you should never open the Parasitology textbook and looking at it during her lecture.
She prefer for us to give full attention and listen well to her explaination.

One time we were discussing Acanthamoeba keratitis, she commented on how we should never rub our eyes too hard, to avoid damage and abrasion to the cornea. She also said that she doesn't prefer laser eyeball surgery because we should't do anything that can harm our eyes (for the sake of perfect vision) while spectacles is just good (and she said it look nice too)

This is one of the reasons I like Dr. Hoda. She loves to share her opinion with us. She says what is in her minds and communicates with us.
Like when she told us about a bug that sucks blood but have a really beautiful appearance.
She described it well and did a good job trying to make us pay attention in class.

At the end of the class today, she even gives us her few words of advice ;

-eat well
-keep yourself warm
-study well

We thanked her and bid farewell, and with a big smile she sent us away.

I will surely miss her class. She have been like a mother to us. Always saying that we are beautiful girls and other nice things.

Looking forward to meet her again !

#feeling sad #kinda love Parasitology now

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Her step. My step.

Assalamualaikum wbt
Long time no write, huh ?
So many things happened in this past 2 weeks. 
Well, let the wind blows them all away.
I'm starting new.
Long hours lecture, quizzes, assignments and extra lessons. 
To all my fellow third year-ians,
InsyaAllah we will get thru this term smoothly.

*I'm coping*

*        *        *

Pernah tak baca buku motivasi 
atau yg seangkatan dengannya
dan dia suruh kita listkan kekuatan dan kelemahan kita
our good qualities and our bad habits/attitudes
something like that

sejujurnya selalu je terserempak dengan babak di atas
namun tak pernah pun cuba untuk ambil serius
atau cuba meng-list kan

sebab rasa macam benda tu semua tak penting
dan macam tak membantu
dan macam syok sendiri, eh ?

ada jugak terfikir 
why don't we take a shot ?
kalau cuba buat tak rugi

mungkin ia takkan bagi apa-apa kesan pada kita

mungkin jugak 
kita akan dapat rasakan perbezaannya
kita dapat bertemu titik tumpu
untuk memulakan 
atau mengatur kembali
kita punya future windows

berdasarkan apa yang kita percaya diri kita mampu capai
dan apa yang kita rasa kita mahu capai/ubah
kekal fokus !

masih belum terlambat
sebab ruang-ruang untuk penambahbaikan (baca : room for improvement)
sentiasa terbuka untuk kita
sebagai seorang insan biasa

#Jom cuba ! #self-help mode #SPM leavers ? #random

*Keputusan SPM 2013 keluar harini. Alhamdulillah B my lil sister got 'A lurus'.
Flashbacks keep running in my head around the days when I was an SPM leaver. 
All my thoughts, emotions and my look on life. 
I hope she will do just fine thinking 'bout her next big step towards a new beginning. 
I am ready to share my experiences and help her with anything I can.
(make sure she do enough research, know what she truly interested in, and not to forget solat istikharah & doa as you want Allah to guide you to the best choice)

I think everyone will do the same by offering her helps and advices,
but still, she is the one who will walk the path.
All the best B. 

**Note to me self : 

" Never stop working hard to improve your quality of life, because you can achieve more and do more to lead a better life, here and in the hereafter insyaAllah :) "

mar d
may Allah ease our journey

shout out : I really miss home !

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Winter Break Ends.

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Lusa 8 Mac, dan kuliah akan bermula seperti biasa.
Sem Dua datang dengan jadual yang lebih padat sebab tarikh mula kelas asyik delayed.

Menyusun timetable serta target yang hendak dicapai sepanjang sem baru ini.
Perjuangan belum selesai.
Ternyata baki Tahun 3 ni betul-betul akan menguji kekentalan mental&fizikal.

' . . at the end I decided to go for it . . . then it wouldn't be the end but a new beginning'

' . . dare to dream a bigger dream, then you will reach a better place or get what you really want . . '

' . .  let your faith be bigger than your fears . .'

No action without target or purpose.
Don't argue too much with yourself & overthink, ignore some or else they will control you.

* * *

Saying goodbye to the holidays.
This year winter break truly means a lot to me.
The places I visit, the people I met, the problem I encountered, the joys and the fun, the ups and downs.
New friendships grow, old bonds glow. 

I'm making new good memories :) 
Lead a meaningful life. 
Learn a thing or two (  or more ? )

Fruit popsicles !!
at Porto Sukhnah recently for GO! (GENII's Outing)

May Allah ease our journey in the new term. Bittaufiq wannajah !

mar d
stay focus and work harder