Monday, July 15, 2013

How to... what ?

May peace be upon you. :)

jatuh cinta dengan buku How To Be Interesting, by Jessica Hagy. 
purchase it during my 'sleepover' at KLIA
Very compact. Less words. Cute and brilliant diagrams that make you ponder. Inspiring.
Full of fun strategies to deal with life.
A must have. Applicable 10 steps for almost everyone.

mar d
a good book to discuss with your darlings
i looove this book 

Quick Update

dua tiga hari ni aku dah anjur kempen mari membaca
ada a few books yang kkk aku borong semasa ketiadaan adindanya ini, dan semestinya buku-buku nukilan
penulis-penulis favourite

last nite, habiskan CLDO
best walaupun aku rasa part-part last tu cam tak best
cuba meningkatkan kuantiti bacaan semasa cuti coz klu balik nnt tak banyak dah material bacaan yang ada dengan aku.
nak angkut ? mmg taklah. (maybe try seludup a few) hewhew

everybody expect aku boleh memandu bila aku balik
ngehe, tp stkt ni aku cuma drive sekali je. dr pondok keselamatan taman sampai garaj.
belum ada keyakinan. heh
dialog mak 'akak bawaklah, nnt senang klu akak nak keluar ke mana-mana'
wuuu, umpan besar ni
best gak klu keluar sendiri utk uruskan my personal business
dahla banyak benda-benda remeh yang kena settlekan di bandar
etlis boleh tlg hntrkan kkk ke ofis or pergi lepak umah tokmak.

duhh. i will try. 
the two big boys will be home this weekend. 
memang aku buli jugak jd co-driver

there are a few things that have been bugging me
uncertainties .. sesuatu yang aku tak mahu fikir buat masa sekarang
i hold on to this .. klu sesuatu tu memang dah ditetapkan menjadi milik kita, ia akan kembali
sooner or later

maybe there are things that will never improve the way we want it to be
and there are also things that will never be yours
just hold to what Allah grant you
and be thankful
keep praying for the things you want, 
maybe one fine day 
its your turn for your prayer to be answered.

mar d
berdoa untuk Mesir dan umat islam seluruh dunia

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The First Morning

Assalamualaikum wbt.
It is the first morning of Ramadhan.
I'm going to fly back home this evening.
Just finished packing and cleaning my room.
Gotta have some sleep and charge my laptop battery.
InsyaAllah, going to spend quite a long period of transit in Doha tonight.
Pray for a smooth and safe journey.

Ramadhan Kareem <3

Tag from aliaamirah :)

50 things that can make me happy right about now

1- ikhwanul muslimin get their right back
2- flying back home
5-passed the  final exam
6-makan-makan with my siblings
7-to be in the Kelisa's passenger seat (accompany my sister while she drive)
8-tomyam sedap
9-dark chocolate
10-going out with mom and dad
11- konvoi balik kampung
13-new book/novel
14-Chili's appetizer
15-my friends laughter
16-hang out with my housemates
17-homemade sushi by syurrun
18-one golden hour (almost) of domestic flight to Terengganu
21-my new baju kurung
22-mom's cooking
23-fresh laundry
24-keropok lekor
25-getting mail
26-my home sweet home
27-renovation at my uni finally finished (if ..)
28-be at the top of a mountain
29-air terjun
30-visit my brother
31-tokmak's nasi beriyani
32-tokmak's cooking (again)
33-tokmak's hot milo (always make me feel like a spoiled cucu, hee)
34-someone to say motivating stuffs about being a doctor
35-doa y dimakbulkan
36-surprise visit to najah's school
37-noor suraya's collab novel CLDO
40-tofu fah
41-scribble in the notebook
42-a new shirt
43-food hunting/pasar malam
45-family vacation
46-biskut raya
47-ikan patin masak tempoyak
49-summer break

most of them are food
I'm not surprised.
9 months is a long period to wait patiently. Wee~

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Room Cleaning and Ramadhan Resolutions

Assalamu'alaikum wbt ^^

I cleaned my fan blade .. and casings too. 
Now it feels like the beach breeze is blowing in my room.

I am about to clean my mess in the room. 

Gotta bring out my big blue luggage.
Do the laundry and everything.

I believe that the exam will still take place on Tuesday. So I shall continue my reading and keep updated with the latest notice.

Ramadhan will be here soon. 
Absorbing the spirit of Ramadhan. 
List a few things that I wanna achieve during Ramadhan.

It is a great month of blessing and opportunity to make changes of yourself. 

Do not let this opportunity slips away. 

Do you know why Ramadhan can be the best time to make changes in you? This is how it works. As all the pahala that you get when performing amal soleh during Ramadhan is double fold, so does the effects.

(quoted from Ust Azam from his talk on Azam Ramadhan last night ^^)

Awesome right ?

and for the girls, surely we will have the time when we can't fast, but do not worry, we also get the same amount of pahala with other people who fast for the whole month. 
This is because we obey Allah's order for not to fast during the menstruation.

We perform the obligation for the sake of Allah. That is the most important thing.

Even if you can't fast, read the Quran or perform your solah,
don't be sad, there are other ways to gain pahala and benefits of Ramadhan
you can cook and prepare food for the fasting people,
zikr and bersedekah :)

So here's to me myself and I :)
Lets have a productive Ramadhan.

You can do this ! May Allah bless :)

mar d 
temukan kami dengan Ramadhan. ameen.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Assalamualaikum wbt :)

I hope you are having a great day today.
Our oral exam was postponed and we received the email notice 3 minutes before 1 o'clock.
*or is it 12 pm at midnight ?

we were barely finished with our last prep for the oral exam when I logged into Facebook and found out that the exam was cancelled and the people were going crazy about it.
*and we actually found out about it 30 minutes afterwards

massive shock, but we're fine.
at least we have another day to prepare ourselves

We really hope for the exam not to be extended. *ameen
Most of our colleagues are flying back either on the day of the exam or the very next day after exam.
*and I am one of the lucky fellows

so this is how it feel when your exam is cancelled 

mar d