Saturday, December 6, 2014


Been busy for a while now.. Haha, I guess this blog has turned into a big spider web that entraps dust..Wuwuuu

Yeay Alhamdulillah one round has end, leaving me with 3 remaining rounds.
Commed comes next with urmm lots of factful texts and almost half day lectures non stop, but guess what ? Who cares. (I guess) This round only comes once in my lifetime. Making a wise choice ( to keep calm and study hard of course, and not to forget to enjoy the whole 2 months course ) is crucial before you ruined everything with that laziness and negative attitudes. Syiuh syiuh *keep those evil away*

Come on Mar d, cheer up! Just so you know He was there all along watching you from afar.
If the going get tough than just pray to him and ask for His guidance and to give you the strength to move on. He is The One who owns everything in this world. Allah shall know the best for you.
Have you ever notice that ? 

p/s : I just know that you can gain some sort of strength that you never thought you have inside you once you really need it. Just so I know, it was a gift from Allah.

mar d
I keep running and sometime fall from my tracks but sokay  I'll stand up and I'm in once again...everytime ..

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fasa Klinkal Bermula

Bakal memulakan hidup sebagai pelajar clinical year esok.
First day of school kena lah datang awal dan bersiap siaga mental dan fizikal ye dak.

Sudah separuh perjalanan menuntut ilmu di bumi Mesir ini berlalu.
Kalau pandang kembali ke belakang, banyak yang berlaku sepanjang 3 tahun plus minus hidup kat sini. 
Harapnya tahun pengajian yang berbaki dapat dilalui dengan mudah dan lancar insyaAllah.

Checklist :
-tetapkan goal untk tahun baru
-istiqamah dengan amal seharian
-jaga solat
-berusaha untuk perbaiki attitude

mumtaz tahun 4
mar d

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Pulang ke Malaysia

InsyaAllah akan berangkat pulang hari ini, ke Malaysia.
Wahhh, tak percaya rasanya..
I'll be home very soon.

Bakal menghabiskan baki separuh Ramadhan di Malaysia.
Semoga dapat memanfaatkan waktu Ramadhan yang tersisa
serta dipertemukan dengan Lailatul Qadar


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Final Exam Tahun 3 Berakhir !

Alhamdulillah syukur pada Illahi.
tamat sudah peperiksaan akhir tahun 3 med school.

Kurang seminggu I'll be home.

Yellow. Coldplay.
When I listened to this song, I have specific memory bout it. A special moment I must say.

It reminds me of home.
I remember there's one time I'm home with my friends for special assignment during weekends. 
We ate dinner and this song played in the background.

and I think this is a meaningful song to me.
It has an ability to rekindle that feeling of 'walking down the memory lane' again.

Tonight we, the girls are going to ifthor together at Al-Imam.
Last meal together before each of us waiting for the day to fly home.
Another year may has end, but I hope I learnt something from these past years.
I hope to improve myself and reflect more on my acts and attitude.
Listen more to the things that surrounds me.

Yes, we might have not become the best, but it's crucial to become better.
Better than yesterday and become better than today in the future. Biizndnillah.

Fi hifzillah my friends. 
Selamat bermusafir. 
Minta doa banyak-banyak agar sama-sama dikurniakan kejayaan yang cemerlang dunia&akhirat insyaAllah.

mar d
I miss home

Sunday, June 29, 2014

First day of Ramadhan 2014.

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

Ahlan ya Ramadhannnn !!

Alhamdulillah nikmat yg begitu besar, Allah kurniakan kita peluang untuk bertemu lagi dengan Ramadhan tahun ini.

Peperiksaan akhir masih berbaki satu subjek, Parasitology. 
Sedang berusaha memahamkan segala macam arthropod, helminthes dan protozoa (mereka semua mahluk Allah jua) yang berkeliaran di atas muka bumi ini.

Study leave utk Parasit cuma 4 hari. Begitu singkat, jadi nak taknak mesti recharge balik semangat yang dah kendur dek pertarungan yang begitu panjang.

Yosh, usaha gigih. Ilmu tahun 3 ni perlu digenggam kuat-kuat. Tambah-tambah ni tahun last pre-clinical. 
All out. Okeh ?

In 2 weeks or so I'll be flying home.
Wow. Can't wait.
Should make my to-do list for summer break.

I really miss them.

mar d
rajin dan qawiy

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tetaplah Bekerja Keras

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

Alhamdulillah syukur. 
Tamat lah sudah practical exams (except for Pharma sbb gabung dgn written)
Perasaan ?
Hmm, gembira dan lega.
Pract Patho antara yang berat dipikul, huhuk
Subject major la katakan.

Dengan berakhirnya exam Patho tadi,
bermulalah study weeks yang panjang,
sebelum berperang di medan peperiksaan untuk paper written pulak.

Rasa macam cepat je masa berlalu, tup tup dah nak habis tahun 3.
Next year insyaAllah masuk clinical years pulak.
Lagilah banyak benda alah nak fikir, nak tumpu, nak cater.

Cepatnya umur berlalu sehari-hari. Apa lah amalan yang nak dibawa nanti.
Klu syurga yang di-idamkan, apa pula usaha yg dibuat utk mendapatkannya ? :)
*kenyit mata tanya diri sendri, lulz*

Seperti yang Allah sebut dalam Al-Quran surah As-Syahr 94:7

"Maka apabila engkau telah selesai  dari satu urusan, maka tetaplah bekerja keras dalam urusan yang lain pula. "

Chaiyok semua! :) Semoga semua urusan kita menuntut ilmu ini menjadi pemberat timbangan amal di akhirat kelak.

Dengan menuntut ilmu, maka bertambahlah iman hendaknya.

Bittaufiq wannajah !

*membilang hari untuk pulang ke 1828.
**tak sabar nak dapatkan Rockestra. Arghh, my wishlist for books sudah berjela.

mar d

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Hasbunallah wani'mal wakeel

from that very gate shown in the pic
the first building in the right is where I am during the chaos

masih meneruskan pembelajaran
kelas terakhir utk hari tersebut
terdengar bunyi kekecohan di luar dan bunyi tembakan 

beberapa pelajar yang kebetulan berada di luar dewan kami, berlari masuk
pakcik-pakcik maintainance dewan
pun turut sama masuk

 doktor ambil keputusan utk teruskan kelas
doktor cuba untuk kekal tenang
dan minta kami bertenang

Kelas lymphoid diteruskan

sepanjang satu jam
suara doktor menyampaikan syarahan
berselang seli dengan bunyi beberapa das tembakan dilepaskan
mata dah pedih akibat tear gas

semua orang cuak
tambah-tambah bila sedar
beberapa orang kawan tiada dalam kuliah 
kerana keluar untuk solat Zohor 
dan ada juga yang ke tandas
tambah cuak bila cuba dihubungi tak dapat-dapat

aku yang bru shaja tiba di kelas sejurus sebelum lecturer masuk
mmg cuak
kerana 10-20 minit sebelum kejadian
aku di luar dewan 
ke surau untuk solat
dan turun untuk membeli makanan di kafeteria
bagaimana jika saat itu aku tersangkut di kafeteria
menunggu pesanan siap
(sebab horus kadang-kadang sgt sesak dgn pelanggan)

selesai kelas
pakcik mintak kami semua balik segera
kami diarah keluar dr bangunan lecture hall melalui tangga belakang
mmdgkn tangga utama yg terletak betul-betul dihadapan pintu dewan, 
menghala ke arah jalan besar menuju gate 
dimana the chaos took place

we held hands
and walked as fast as we can
in meantime, we see
ada pelajar-pelajar cuba
lari ke arah gate
untuk lwn balik
mereka-mereka yang cuba serang pelajar

terhenti seketika
tergamam kami yang melihat
tidak pernah kami saksikan peristiwa seperti ini
dengan mata kepala sendiri

dan pakcik menjerit lagi
'Bi sur'ah ! '
Cepat !

Kami mempercepatkan langkah
keluar dari uni melalui gate depan
Kebanyakan pelajar dan kakitangan sudah berpusu-pusu keluar

Alhamdulillah Allah selamatkan semuanya
tiada pelindung bagi kami selain Allah
kepadaMU kami bertawakkal dan bergantung harap

*ada kwn-kwn di uni lain sudah lali dengan situasi sebegini
betapa Allah berikan ketabahan pada mereka
** terus berdoa untuk keamanan Mesir& keadilan untuk yang tertindas
*** seseorang berpesan kepada kami hari ini, perangilah perkara yang zalim
hatta dengan sekadar membenci dengan hati 
(kerana ianya tanda selemah-lemah iman, dan
 itulah garisan yang memisahkn golongan hak dan golongan batil)

mar d
tawakkal pada Allah

Friday, April 4, 2014

of Tournament and Defying gravity.

Assalamualaikum wbt !
Today is my first attempt on joining a netball tournament (At ICE 2.0 interchapter games)  during my stay here in Cairo.

(which is not a really bad idea after all, or is it bad ? haha you're telling me)

The tournament was held in Tanta which is a couple hours of journey from Cairo.
Every PC sent two teams and that makes a total of 14 teams competing.

It was fun and tiring (well a lil bit, we only play 2 rounds and I'm complaining, such a whiny pfft)
I spend my whole week (since last Saturday) to practice and learn some tips and skills from my friends who play for PCK last year (and they're joining again this year, yeayy)

For the sake of 'just-wanna-record-these-moments',
I want to state here that we lost in both rounds, 
but I still feel the satisfaction of being able to try.

I mean, sport is really ain't my thang. 

However, watching all my friends play make me think and wonder
what its like to be a player, a teammate,
practice for hours,
build the trust within your team,
working hard to work things out during the game,
the feel of victory when you win,
and being tough when you lose.

I choose to give it a shot
Well, you never know your limit if you don't push yourself some more, don't you think so?
and you never feel the joy of doing something until you do it yourself :)

and today Allah gives me a chance to have a taste of being part of the sport team.
I feel grateful for all the experiences and new things that I learned along the way.
Alhamdulillah ~

I'm still thinking though,
whether netball is really worth pursuing.
(with my current level? hmm)

or we'll try other new things.

Paragliding anyone ?

#sportthediversity #defyingmyowngravity #workthosemuscles
#badansehatpartofmuwasofattarbiyah #kempenbersenam

*Met my jr Ai in Tanta. She is already staying here for like a year and half yet today is our first time meeting each other in Egypt. #overexcited overjoy

**Pharma midterm next week on Tuesday. Pray for us. #keep calm and study

mar d
let's play

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

with Dr. Hoda Helmy

Good evening !!! :)

Today is our last class with Dr Hoda Helmy. :(
She has been very very nice to us and always give her lecture in a very interesting and understandable manner.

One rule to remember, you should never open the Parasitology textbook and looking at it during her lecture.
She prefer for us to give full attention and listen well to her explaination.

One time we were discussing Acanthamoeba keratitis, she commented on how we should never rub our eyes too hard, to avoid damage and abrasion to the cornea. She also said that she doesn't prefer laser eyeball surgery because we should't do anything that can harm our eyes (for the sake of perfect vision) while spectacles is just good (and she said it look nice too)

This is one of the reasons I like Dr. Hoda. She loves to share her opinion with us. She says what is in her minds and communicates with us.
Like when she told us about a bug that sucks blood but have a really beautiful appearance.
She described it well and did a good job trying to make us pay attention in class.

At the end of the class today, she even gives us her few words of advice ;

-eat well
-keep yourself warm
-study well

We thanked her and bid farewell, and with a big smile she sent us away.

I will surely miss her class. She have been like a mother to us. Always saying that we are beautiful girls and other nice things.

Looking forward to meet her again !

#feeling sad #kinda love Parasitology now

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Her step. My step.

Assalamualaikum wbt
Long time no write, huh ?
So many things happened in this past 2 weeks. 
Well, let the wind blows them all away.
I'm starting new.
Long hours lecture, quizzes, assignments and extra lessons. 
To all my fellow third year-ians,
InsyaAllah we will get thru this term smoothly.

*I'm coping*

*        *        *

Pernah tak baca buku motivasi 
atau yg seangkatan dengannya
dan dia suruh kita listkan kekuatan dan kelemahan kita
our good qualities and our bad habits/attitudes
something like that

sejujurnya selalu je terserempak dengan babak di atas
namun tak pernah pun cuba untuk ambil serius
atau cuba meng-list kan

sebab rasa macam benda tu semua tak penting
dan macam tak membantu
dan macam syok sendiri, eh ?

ada jugak terfikir 
why don't we take a shot ?
kalau cuba buat tak rugi

mungkin ia takkan bagi apa-apa kesan pada kita

mungkin jugak 
kita akan dapat rasakan perbezaannya
kita dapat bertemu titik tumpu
untuk memulakan 
atau mengatur kembali
kita punya future windows

berdasarkan apa yang kita percaya diri kita mampu capai
dan apa yang kita rasa kita mahu capai/ubah
kekal fokus !

masih belum terlambat
sebab ruang-ruang untuk penambahbaikan (baca : room for improvement)
sentiasa terbuka untuk kita
sebagai seorang insan biasa

#Jom cuba ! #self-help mode #SPM leavers ? #random

*Keputusan SPM 2013 keluar harini. Alhamdulillah B my lil sister got 'A lurus'.
Flashbacks keep running in my head around the days when I was an SPM leaver. 
All my thoughts, emotions and my look on life. 
I hope she will do just fine thinking 'bout her next big step towards a new beginning. 
I am ready to share my experiences and help her with anything I can.
(make sure she do enough research, know what she truly interested in, and not to forget solat istikharah & doa as you want Allah to guide you to the best choice)

I think everyone will do the same by offering her helps and advices,
but still, she is the one who will walk the path.
All the best B. 

**Note to me self : 

" Never stop working hard to improve your quality of life, because you can achieve more and do more to lead a better life, here and in the hereafter insyaAllah :) "

mar d
may Allah ease our journey

shout out : I really miss home !

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Winter Break Ends.

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Lusa 8 Mac, dan kuliah akan bermula seperti biasa.
Sem Dua datang dengan jadual yang lebih padat sebab tarikh mula kelas asyik delayed.

Menyusun timetable serta target yang hendak dicapai sepanjang sem baru ini.
Perjuangan belum selesai.
Ternyata baki Tahun 3 ni betul-betul akan menguji kekentalan mental&fizikal.

' . . at the end I decided to go for it . . . then it wouldn't be the end but a new beginning'

' . . dare to dream a bigger dream, then you will reach a better place or get what you really want . . '

' . .  let your faith be bigger than your fears . .'

No action without target or purpose.
Don't argue too much with yourself & overthink, ignore some or else they will control you.

* * *

Saying goodbye to the holidays.
This year winter break truly means a lot to me.
The places I visit, the people I met, the problem I encountered, the joys and the fun, the ups and downs.
New friendships grow, old bonds glow. 

I'm making new good memories :) 
Lead a meaningful life. 
Learn a thing or two (  or more ? )

Fruit popsicles !!
at Porto Sukhnah recently for GO! (GENII's Outing)

May Allah ease our journey in the new term. Bittaufiq wannajah !

mar d
stay focus and work harder

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Wedding ?

Biggest news of the day.
Today one of my jr get married.

Of course she's the first one to get married in her batch.
Just like E. Breaking a record is never easy I guess. 
Still think that its weird, but helloo ~
(shouting to myself)
The world do spin around that fast !

My holiday extends for another 2 weeks.
Gotta plan.
Ganbatte kudasai.

mar d
grow up

Monday, February 3, 2014

Kembali dari Jaulah Andalusia :)

I'm back !

Alhamdulillah selamat kembali ke Kaherah.

Selamat mendarat di Cairo in ternational Airport jam 7 lebih, selepas percubaan kapten untuk mendarat pada kali pertama gagal dek angin kencang. 
Fuhh, cuak juga. There's always a first time for everything. 

Kepala masih pusing- pusing. Still, rasa huyung hayang. Efek dari perjalanan panjang menaiki bas hampir setiap hari sepanjang trip. 
Tambah pula, kapal terbang semalam pun asyik'turn around' sebelum mendarat, tinggi rendah tinggi rendah.
Arghh, feel sick already.

Alhamdulillah bersyukur dapat sertai trip yang 'awesome' tahun ni.
(27 Jan-2 Feb)

'Fusion trip', kolobrasi professional pertama Thaqafiah Group yang mempromosi pelancongan berpengisian dan Kelana Convoy yang merupakan pakar pelancongan Eropah.

Kronologi sejarah empayar Umayyah kedua yang bertapak di Sepanyol benar-benar menyedarkan diri ini tentang betapa perit orang Islam terdahulu mempertahankan agama suci ini.

Betapa sejarah menjadi saksi, kebijaksanaan seorang pemimpin, kesilapan seorang yang lain, peperangan demi peperangan, kegemilangan dan kejatuhan.

Empayar mereka bertahan hampir 900 tahun lamanya.
Sungguh kagum dengan kekuatan mereka mempertahankan empayar Umayyah kedua yang berpusat di bumi Andalusia,
sedang di Timur sana, empayar Abbasiyyah yang dahulunya menjatuhkan Umayyah pertama, 
sudah berganti dengan Turki Uthmaniyyah.
But still, Umayyah stand proudly in the other side of the world.

Sayu bila teringat bagaimana kunci kota Granada, pusat terakhir Umayyah diserahkan kepada orang Kristian.

Ada yang menyebut terdapat sebahagian umat Islam mengamalkan Islam secara rahsia hampir 200 tahun di Granada selepas Sepanyol dikuasai Kristian.

Hakikat yang perit untuk ditelan, 
kejatuhan Umayyah bukanlah disebabkan kekuatan musuh, 
tetapi kelemahan dan kesilapan yang dilakukan umat Islam sendiri.

Bukan sejarah semata yang dibincangkan sepanjang trip.

Sesi pengisian ilmu iaitu syarahan kitab Bidayatul Hidayah oleh ustaz Nazrul dijalankan sepanjang trip di mana sahaja yang dirasakan sesuai.

Adakalanya di dalam bas dalam perjalanan pergi dan pulang ke destinasi harian, 
juga di bawah pohonan limau di Cordoba, 
di tepian pantai Marbella, di dalam taman Plaza Espana, 
di masjid Gibraltar, 
di sudut ruangan transit Lapangan Terbang Charles de Gaulle, 
tak lupa juga setiap malam di Villa Costanza.

Dalam kitab Bidayatul Hidayah, Imam Ghazali bagaikan berbicara dengan diri ini, memberi panduan bagaimana untuk memperoleh hidayah. 
Membimbing diri dengan amalan dan adab-adab harian. 

Kitab yang kecil tapi begitu besar manfaatnya buat setiap yang membaca dan beramal dengannya.

Sehnggakan ada sebuah kisah yang diceritakan oleh ustaz, seorang pelajar mengadu kepada syeikh tentang pelbagai masalah dalam kehidupan beliau, 
lalu syeikh tersebut berkata 
ambil kitab Bidayatul Hidayah dan jangan mengadu kepadaku tentang masalah kamu sehingga kamu beramal sepenuhnya dengan kitab ini. 

Ini jelas menunujukkan betapa kitab Bidayatul Hidayah mengajarkan perkara paling asas dalam kehidupan. 

Sangat berterima kasih kepada semua ahli trip, Ust Azrul, Ust Nazrul & famili kecil, 
tour manager Abu Jibrail, the awesome cook Abu Fadzil, 
apartment-mates (K. Ainin, K.Aina, K.Nadhirah, Uswah, Syurrun), 
K. Iqin dan semua peserta dari pelbagai muhafazah. 
May Allah bless them wherever they are.

Andalusia dirindui.
Mengutip semangat ilmuwan Islam yang hidup di zaman kegemilangan ilmu tersebut,
bermujahadah menimba ilmu pengetahuan demi menjadi orang yang bermanfaat kepada Islam.

#3 Jan 14

mar d
looking forward for more golden experiences
May Allah bless 

Now playing : Musafir Kelana by Nada Murni

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Winter Trip '14

Off to the airport, first thing early in the morning.
7 days of travelling. 
May Allah bless & ease this journey.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Fireflies : Secret Messages

I love this short film very much.

I always wonder,
 How about the people who have problems in communicating with others?
Was it tough ? 
How about having friends ? Is it possible?

Here's to never stop helping to make improvement in their lives. 
There will always be a way to help them socialize and be part of the community, 
or to create one of their own.

My last paper for midyear : Parasitology.
On January 22nd.

mar d
May Allah bless

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Journey.

I heard this from someone, somewhere, in one of these hectic days.

Write down what are you feeling right now about something or anything (issues, problems, conflicts challenges of growing up, solutions, ideas)
to remember it again later.

That feel of young spirit. The feel of being teenagers. Facing the world.

Well, somedays you will end up having teenagers as daughter or son and you go like,
what is that boy thinking he's doing?
At that moment, the journal that you wrote, might end up, help you to understand what is like to be a youngster,
or a student who's struggling, or a young doctor who's starting her career life, or a bride-to-be preparing for her big day, or a young mother who's first time holding her own child, and the list goes on . . .

Well, that is one of the good reasons for me to keep writing on this personal space of mine. 
May Allah bless. ( ^ ^ )

mar d

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Plan.

Assalamualaikum wbt !

It's Sunday. We just finished our second paper which is Pharma. Alhamdulillah. The whole midyear exam syllabus basically is on general subjects of Patho and Pharma. We do not yet take much of the second book which is the systemic. So, yeahh thats great.

Just a quick update. 

# There will be another two papers left before the winter break. Pray for us <3 (Yeaaayy !)
# I'm having life changing issues nowadays. I guess these are normal things you encounter, growing up.
# I think I need to focus better in the second sem. Now I realize a few things that need to be upgraded, like my study hours and my priorities, stuffs like that.

# I'm leaving the country for the holiday. I have mixed feeling for that. Maybe I'm excited, but still a little unwilling kinda feeling inside. I don't know. Perhaps I'm just longing to go home. Haha. Every winter I got this idea of going back home, for real. However it never happens. My break will be for only two weeks. If I go back I will feel jet-lagged and tired all day and before I knew it, I'm back on plane to Egypt. Plus, I'll be in a terrible homesick mode the first few days when I am back again in Cairo. Now, maybe, that is why I don't decide to go back to Malaysia on winter. 
Haha, too much to endure.

# I just wanna make my life to be everything that I want it to be. Insya Allah. 
We plan and He plans, and remember, His plans is always the best for us.
Let's get all out this year ! 
The third year spirit is embarking !

Make it happen.

mar d
May Allah ease our journey. Ameen.